Devil's Due ✨

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(A/N): HELLO, MY SWEETS!! Here's another installment of the 'Devil's In The Details' series. I hope you all enjoy it <3

"ANARCHYYYY!!", Danny shouted while trying to avoid being hit by a flying orange. Arny cackled while reaching into his hoard of various fruits and winding his arm back to try hitting his friend again. I sighed as I sipped my morning coffee and wondered what kind of drug I had been on when I allowed these idiots to live with me. "THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT WHEN I SAID I WANTED TO PLAY FRUIT NINJA!", Danny yelled while ducking down to hide behind me. I glanced up at Arny and narrowed my eyes at the sight of him raising an apple.

He giggled nervously while dropping it back into the basket he'd gotten off my table. Danny peeked over my shoulder and mouthed some unsavory things before dipping back down. This wasn't an unusual occurrence in the mornings, but the slight migraine I was experiencing made me wish it was. "Sit the fuck down before I strangle the both of you.", I hissed quietly and stood to leave the kitchen. Just as I was about to head to my room, a knock sounded at the door. I frowned quietly wondering who could be visiting so early in the morning. Danny and Arny peaked out of the kitchen and looked back at me with raised brows.

"Why's there an angel visiting you before breakfast?", Danny questioned earning a half-assed shrug from me. "We're about to find out.", I muttered while walking to open the front door. Once the door was finally open, I experienced a range of emotions: confusion, shock, and finally joy. I squealed happily at the sight of my cousin standing proudly in the hallway with a duffle bag and a smirk on her face. "Lena!!", I cheered while pulling her into a big hug and letting her come into the apartment. I looked down both sides of the hallway to make sure no one else was with her.

I shut the door to find Lena taking off her shoes and sitting them neatly near the coat rack. "It's been years since I last saw you. What took you so long to finally visit me?", I asked while taking her bag off her shoulder and sitting it on the couch. She scoffed before taking a seat a running a hand through her hair. "You know how mom and dad are. They didn't want their 'sweet little girl' going to the city to visit her cursed cousin.", she grumbled with an eye roll. I chuckled and sat down with her and glanced at her bag. "I'm guessing they kicked you out when you told them you were visiting?", I inquired while nodding towards the duffle. Lena nodded back and gave me a sheepish smile. "Don't worry, kid. You always have a place here.", I assured her. She cheered and leaned against the couch while looking around.

"Thanks, (Y/N). I promise I won't be too much trouble. By the way, did that no good demon ever show up? Is it as ugly as we thought it'd be when we were kids?", she asked curiously. I snickered at the sound of a pan falling in the kitchen. Seconds later, Danny materialized in the living area with a puff of black smoke. "That's rude of you to say considering we've never met. What if I did that to you, huh?", he scoffed while crossing his arms and glaring at Lena. She stared at him with wide eyes before looking back at me. "I stand corrected. It's pretty good-looking.", she whispered causing me to cackle.

"It?! My name is Voltiaere and you will address me as such.", he huffed while coming to sit next to me. Lena raised a brow before nodding. A puff of red smoke followed Danny sitting down, and Arny materialized with it. "She's a mean one... I like her.", he commented with a grin while sitting on my other side. Lena looked between the three of us before rubbing her eyes. "There's two of them?! How come you get two hotties and I get one?", she pouted while crossing her arms like Danny. I chuckled before noticing Arny glaring into a corner near the fireplace. "What's wrong?", I asked while trying to see what he was seeing.

Danny looked in the direction we were looking into and raised a brow. "Are you just gonna stand there like an idiot or are you going to introduce yourself like the rest of us?", he questioned and my confusion deepened. There was rustling in the corner and a rush of cool wind then the corner was no longer empty.

Leaning against the wall with a hand tracing a Christmas photo stood a tall, dark-haired male. He hummed quietly before taking his eyes off the picture and offering me a smirk. "Apologies for my lack of politeness, Miss (L/N). I was trying to get a feel of the room before making myself known.", the man explained with a tilt of his head. He glanced at Arny and Danny before stepping out of the corner and moving to stand near Lena. He was dressed in a loose button-up that was bright white, black slacks, and a dainty string of pearls adorning his neck. A pair of baby blue crystal earrings faintly glowed through his fluffy shoulder-length hair. He was fucking ethereal.

Once he'd made it to Lena, he slightly bowed and offered a smile brighter than the sun itself. "Hello, everyone. My name is Brandon! I'm Lena's guardian angel.", he spoke evenly. I frowned a bit and glanced a Lena. "What happened to Judah?", I asked with heavy concern. Judah had taken care of Lena and me when my aunt and uncle couldn't. We were really close when I was younger, but our lack of communication didn't make me any less worried for his safety. "Don't worry about that big sweetheart. He was transferred to be auntie and uncle's angel, so he's still home with them. Brandon was sent to me about a year after you left.", she explained filling me with relief. "Are you planning on staying here with Lena?", I asked Brandon earning a nod from the pretty boy.

"I do! It wouldn't be the first time we've shared a bed.", he admitted with a hint of mischief in his hazel eyes. Lena gasped and her face reddened deeply. "I-it's not like that! I swear it's not!", Lena said while waving her hands vigorously. Brandon chuckled and narrowly avoided being hit in his kneecaps. I smirked knowing it was exactly the way Brandon had meant. Lena was an open book. 

I started to say something when another knock sounded at the door. The room quieted and the smile on Brandon's face slowly vanished. I stood and made my way to open it but was stopped by the dark-haired angel. "I wouldn't do that if I were you.", he commented with serious and lightly frightened eyes. 

I frowned and looked to the door. Another round of knocking came and tension filled the air. I looked to see Danny and Arny with an expression similar to Brandon's. "Why? Who's out there?", I whispered while taking a step back. "A very powerful, very angry archangel.", he whispered back. I wracked my brain wondering what had happened for an angry archangel to be at my door. Of course, I came up with nothing. "Maybe if we're quiet he'll leave?", Lena suggested. A loud thud and creak followed her words, and everyone looked up to see the door on the floor with its hinges on fire. In the doorless entrance stood the kind store clerk from earlier this week. Only this time he didn't look so kind. He stepped into the entrance hall, his shoes burning holes in the fallen oak door.

"Miss (Y/N) (L/N), we need to talk. Now.".


(A/N): Hiii, babes! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I lowkey thought I wouldn't be able to update today (my lazy a$$ was procrastinating as usual lol). I hope y'all are okay and enjoying life!! Thank you for the love and support on my Brandon fic, too. It'll be updated Saturday ofc! I don't deserve y'all. Please be safe, and if you can't be safe try to be careful! Take care of yourselves, hydrate, and eat well! ILYSM <33


thesmolbean out.

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