Wicked ✨

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(A/N): Hello, babes!! I'm here with an update to the 'Devil's In The Details' series that hopefully, you'll like. This has been in the works for a while but procrastination often gets the best of me lol. I won't keep you any longer enjoy <33

The atmosphere was awkward... to say the least. Given the sudden intrusion of a very pissed-off archangel, it was understandable to say the least. The two demon boys next to me had disappeared almost instantly as soon as the door had fallen. Brandon had grown pale and the pretty smile he'd sported before was nowhere to be seen. William easily towered over everyone in the room making him ten times more intimidating.

I cleared my throat and tried my best not to look as unsettled as I was on the inside. "So, did you just come to burn down my door, or is there a reason for you showing up unannounced?", I inquired while glancing at the smoking hinges. The tall man who I'd once known as a kind store clerk remained stoic while stretching his arm out to the right. There was a click and the sound of creaking. I glanced back at the door to see that it was back upright, and it looked good as new. "Thank you. Now, what did you need to talk to me about?", I asked with a quiet exhale. William glanced at Brandon who then took Lena's hand. The two of them vanished just as quickly as Danny and Arny had. I made a mental note to kick all of their asses for ditching me later.

"You've caused quite a stir in the underworld. Demons in high places are out for blood, yours especially. Things upstairs are getting tense and I've been sent to resolve the situation before things get out of hand.", he explained smoothly. I remembered the exchange of guardians that was supposed to happen if I deemed Arny more capable than Danny. I knew it'd never happen because of their understanding as friends, but this news from William made it seem more plausible.

I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees. I adjusted the rings on my fingers and nodded in William's direction. "How do you plan on resolving the issue?", I questioned with growing anxiety. I looked up to see his eyes wander around my living space void of emotion. Finally, his eyes found their way back to my figure. "There is no plan. I'm leaving this task to you, and the only assistance I'll offer you is occasional advice. If things get out of hand, then and only then will I step in.", he answered before turning to leave the apartment. Instead of kicking down the door as he had upon entering, he opened the door and crossed the threshold. William glanced in my direction a final time and spoke, "That's not something you want, I can assure you. Consider this visit a warning.". With that, he left my apartment.

A breath I didn't know I'd been holding escaped me, and I threw myself back onto the sofa. I buried my face in a pillow and grumbled. There was a muffled gust of wind and the sound of Arny shouting something along the lines of, "And don't come back you insanely good-looking coward!!". Shuffling from the hallway immediately depleted what little courage he had mustered up. A yelp escaped the curly-haired boy before he dived behind me, nearly crushing m with his weight. "Are you alright, darling?", Danny asked while kneeling in front of me. I lifted my head to nod even though I was growing more nauseous by the second.

I wasn't okay, but I would be soon enough.


The night had fallen rather quickly, and everyone had gathered in my room to unwind for the night. Brandon and Lena were curled around each other at the foot of my bed, and the two nuisances that were supposed to be my guardians were fighting for my attention on either side of me. "Why would she want to cuddle with you?! She doesn't even know you that well!", Danny shouted earning a snort from his curly-haired counterpart. "She knows that I didn't try to eat her WHEN SHE WAS AN INFANT!!", Arny yelled drawing an offended gasp from his friend.

Brandon glanced between the three of us with something akin to concern in his eyes, and Lena sat upward in shock. I just shook my head and threw myself back onto the mountain of pillows I had built behind us. To quiet the ongoing bickering between the two of them, I raised my hand and shouted, "Let's play the quiet game in 3.. 2.. 1!!".

As I'd hoped, the two demons shut their mouths within an instant. I sighed and shut my eyes hoping to get a brief nap in. Seconds into my rest two pairs of arms made their way around me. I cracked an eye open to see both boys glowering at each other while trying to out-cuddle one another. A laugh threatened to escape me but I bit it back. Carefully, I brought my arms up to wrap around both of them. I felt them freeze before they moved closer, completely sandwiching me between them. From the foot of the bed, Lena giggled. "You're out.", I whispered causing her to break into a full-on cackle.

The game continued for a couple more minutes before a tiny voice whispered, "I will steal your fucking bones, back off.". My eyes shot open and I looked up to see Danny glaring daggers at Brandon. From the looks of it, he and Lena were attempting to join our little cuddle session. I rolled my eyes and flicked his forehead. "Out.", I whispered back with just as much intensity as he had. He pouted slightly but continued to stare the confused angel down. I motioned for them to join despite the aggression radiating from my not-so-human guard dog. They made themselves comfortable on either side of the boys, growing the tiny pile of warmth we'd started.

"I'm already out, so technically I'm allowed to say this. No matter what happens with our shitty boss, we're still going to protect you.", Arny muttered from his spot on my right. Lena reached over to pat my head. "He's right. Even though we don't know shit about the situation, we do know that we're on your side.", she spoke behind him. I light-heartedly smacked her hand away whispering that she was out. Danny chuckled and laced his fingers between mine. "It's my job to keep you safe, so it's safe to say that I'll always be on your side. Even if you annoy me at times.", he mused earning a scoff from me. Although I made it seem like their words had little effect on me, on the inside I was crying tears of joy. The silence deepened as we all settle in to rest. Just as we'd all prepared to sleep, Brandon whispered from his spot in the pile.

"Does this mean I win?"


(A/N): Hello again, babes!! I hope you all enjoyed this story. I feel like it's been a long while since I updated this mini-series. Anyway, as always thanks for your support and kindness. Remember to take care of yourselves. Drink water, eat healthily and take your meds if you have to. Please be safe, and if you can't be safe be careful. I love you all <33

thesmolbean out.

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