Chapter 5

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"Wake up! Wake up!"

"Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here?"

"Just wake up! Your fur is blue! I repeat, YOUR FUR IS BLUEEEEE!

'What? What do you mean my fur is blue?'

(A/N : If the font is bold, that means that it's the characters thoughts. If the font is slanted or (I think you call it italic?) italic, that means that it's the author's note. Hope you enjoy the story! Baiiii!)

I jumped out of bed with a jolt. I ran out of my house, to the sea to see my reflection. Blue. My fur coat was blue. I checked every single inch of my body. Blue. Blue again. I was blue all over. I was beyond happy. "My fur is blue! A marvellous cobalt blue! It's not a boring, plain white anymore, it's blue!" I was causing such a racket that animals started to come out of their homes to see what I was going on about. Hushed whispers surrounded me.

"Would you look at that! Opal's fur is blue!"

"I don't think I've ever seen a polar bear that was blue!"

"Wow! Look at uncle Opal! He got blue fur!" Some children giggled. They ran up to me and started to touch my fur. "So... smooth....fur....." 

"Okay children, time to go! Don't bother Mr. Opal anymore!"

"Kay kay mum."

Snow came swooping out of the house and nearly banged into a tree. "Wooo hoooo! Opal, you finally got your wish!" She congratulated me.

                                                                      ~Night Fall~


"No sleepover today?"

"No, I'm afraid not. Not today."

"Bummer." I sighed and went back to the house. "Suit yourself then!"

I went to sleep feeling happy and contented. 'Finally, my wish came true. Snow was right. You'd have to make the same wish on a shooting star two times. I'll have the best coat any animal would have seen. Now, I have one more wish. And that's to see you, mama. But I know that won't be possible since you're dead. At least I have my long awaited wish come true. I'm going to be happy forever!'

Poor Opal didn't know how wrong he was when he said that he was going to be happy forever. But his second wish might come true...

Word count: 380 words


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