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thank you guys sm for 15k reads on this book <3

y/n pov:

"hey love, wake up hun" i heard a voice say as i was being shaken awake. i rub my eyes before finally opening them and paying attention to the boy in front of me.

"ruel what time is it?" i groan sitting up in our shared bed, knowing i won't be getting anymore sleep tonight.

"3am i think? mhm not sure though" he replies, kissing my temple before getting out of bed. i look at him in confusion as i see him walk to the closet, pulling out my favorite hoodie of his.

"put this on bub i'm taking you somewhere. it's fucking freezing, you're going to need it." he chuckles while also putting on a hoodie.

"why can't we just sleep and go somewhere in the morning?" i whine, slipping the oversized hoodie over my head.

"because that's not an option, now up we go!" ruel smirks before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed. he then intertwines our fingers, placing a light kiss on my knuckles.

"you're going to be the death of me." i mumble at the tall boy in front me. this makes him smile before continuing to drag me out of the house.

once we made it outside ruel goes to unlock the car and rushes to the passenger seat. he opens the door for me before going back to his side and turning on the car.

"thank you love, now care to tell me where the fuck we're going?" i laugh, watching the way his lips curve into a smile.

"nope, not gonna happen. but you'll find out soon enough." he says placing his hand on my thigh, before paying his attention back to the road.

the rest of the ride was silent besides 'pink matter' playing through the car speakers. and before i knew it ruel had parked the car.

"stay there" ruel said before hopping out of the car and grabbing a blanket from the back seat, then walking to my door.

"where are we going?" i questioned, taking his empty hand and walking towards the park.

"just over here baby." ruel smiles down at me, pointing to the grass area.

we continue walking until finally making it to the grass. ruel lets go of my hand and sets down the blanket, he then lays down and signals for me to lay down with him.

"holy shit." i mumble, laying my head down on his chest. the sky was filled with stars, lighting up ruels features perfectly.

"pretty isn't it, i knew you'd like it." ruel smirks kissing the top of my head.

"star-gazing was a good idea"

"yeah, you look pretty in the moonlight" ruel smiles.

"hey, aren't i always pretty?!" i jokes, making him roll his eyes.

"oh shush"

this is bad but cute lmfksnds
have a good day/night
and vote if u want <3

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