√ax²+bx²= c

32 1 0

Later, but not more than a week, Mr. Wammy brings up a peculiar offer during a meeting over donuts after breakfast. He does this to examine L's interests, and to make some sense of the perfect test scores and unsure categorizing test results. The gentleman had never seen anything quite like it. Highly developed analytical skill and methodical problem solving- perhaps even algorithmic in nature. The surprising factor was that L lacked many of the social factors leading to a diagnosis of an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), only a few were present, and even then they were very common things.

He behaved like a normal child in emotional responses. He cried when he felt humiliated or too lonely, he was afraid of things that attempted to harm him, and he enjoyed frivolous things, especially sweets and candies. He didn't take to toys and games, they failed to amuse him. He enjoyed being challenged, and craved the short-lived satifsfaction of figuring things out. He loved puzzles reflexively.

And so, the gentleman knew he was a legitimate, functioning member of society, but had undeniable quirks.

"L, I am taking a class of boys around your age to a museum in London, and we will get ice cream after. I thought you might like to go."

The boy nibbled on the sticky pastry and kept eye contact to show his involvement in what had been said.

"It's to a natural history museum, not quite your area of interest, but I am going, and it might be nice to get out of here for a little bit."

"Yes, I believe I would like to go. Thank you."

The older fellow smiled, excited that his little "project" had something fun to do that didn't involve puzzles and mathematics (which were basically puzzles themselves, but with numerical values). L was, admittedly, excited about this trip, and looked forward to it. He thought about it a few times of the day, which would strike him as odd if it didn't make him feel... happier as a byproduct. A few days later, they discussed details over chocolate cake stowed cleverly away by the cook.

"I'm taking three chaperones from the seniors, and we'll split up into groups."

"Who is going?"

A polite question, good conversation.

"The chaperones will be Parker Milton, Johnathan Tyler Atkins, and Geoff Mallory- is anything wrong?"

He hadn't noticed that his eyes widened when the man in front of him had said it, and calmly collected himself, head buzzing like a machine to print out a solid excuse.

"I just remembered... I need to study."

"Could you get that done this afternoon? Tomorrow?"

"I... I need to study generally speaking, and utilizing this weekend would be best."

Sitting back, Mr. Wammy's face folded a crease of worry under his well-groomed mustache.

"You've been very excited about this, what has made you change you mind so quickly?"

Oh, right. He had wanted to go. He forgot for a moment, and put his fork down gently on his plate as he gave it a thought. He really, really did want to go, but there was Geoff.

He knew his name: he saw him in math class. And, he remembered exactly what happened. He absently rubbed at the back of his hand. Geoff didn't take kindly to him. Avoidance was very effective. Being possibly led around by him unsupervised was a very, very bad idea. Slowly, L convinced himself to stay home.

"I was told about a few upcoming tests today in class."

Looking down, he swallowed, and didn't find the strength to lift the tuft of chocolate to his lips. Begging himself to not get upset, he focused on what he could say they were working on in EMF. Nothing came to mind.

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