Chapter 1

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The waves crashed violently against each other in harsh towering falls of water, to go with the raging storm above it created a sound resembling cymbals crashing together. The lightning erupted through the night as a pirate ship sailed above in a disoriented pathway on the water similar to a circle. The only thing that guided them was the moonlight and the quick flashes from the lightning. A net was underneath the waves searching the marvellous waters of mystery as they all worked hard to not pull their ship into the harsh deep sea. 

However, under the disloyal waters where it was a completely different, instead of spin chilling winds it was warmed similar to the tropics. Two zipping flashes of blue and green swept around the puzzled fish as they chased one another in the calm waters, with the full moon's light for guidance. Each of them were giggling as they flapped their tails crying out strikes in protest with the spinning of colours as fish raced out of their way. 

The lime green flash quickened it pace shorting its distances from the blue blur "Come here George" he rang out as they zipped around until they collided. They spun beautifully in a circle as the kelp twirled near their tail, a gorgeous colour was emitted from their bodies spinning so quickly, while they giggled and wheezed at their childish nature. 

A small whiny mutter of "Clay!" was heard as any on lookers could see them clearly as they came to an abrupt stop. The green blur was a sun-kissed merman with a large lime tail that flapped as he kept them both up, medium blonde hair floated in the water as he held the other man up holding him lose to his tanned chest. Light brown freckles dotted his cheeks and nose with emerald eyes and small smile on his face as he stared at the man in his arms. The once blue dash was a pure angel of the sea with a blue scaly tail with a few red scales here and there, brown dashing eyes and wavy brown hair also with a small smile and blush dusting his cheeks. 

They were both holding one another like the lovers they were with the brunette known as George wrapping his arms around Dream's neck while the green tailed man had his hands on the others waist where his tail started; their faces were inches apart as they admired the beautiful thing they had fallen in love with. George loved to call Dreams freckles the layout of stars which they would go above water to stare at on calmer nights not like the stormy one above them. While Dream always called the blue merman "his angel of the sea" by how much of a blessing he had been on his life and to the ocean. George nicknamed him by just using his real name he only went by Dream for identity reasons that his boyfriend never explained but the angel of the sea felt grateful to be the only one to have ever called him that. 

"Wanna kiss Georgie?" he teased as the other giggled cutely the way he always did "So you can apologise?" he added with a smirk as the other gave him a small scowl before staring lovingly into his yellow eyes and bit his lip playfully, deep in thought of his next move. He leaned in slowly closing his eyes until Dream did the same as they both leaned in their lips brushing before George pulled away. Teasing him!

"What where we even arguing about anyway?" he slurred as he rubbed at his eye fatigue finally catching up to him. Dream giggled in response too dazed by the others beauty to bother remembering as he looked down at his tail noticing George's had stopped he went at a slower pace. The merman had watched the others eyelids cover his eyes as he blinked slowly and his breath became a slow calm reassurance to Dream like it always did. George was someone who would get tired easily in the arms of his love despite the pair only helped some baby dolphins learn how to swim that morning. The brunette just had a way with the sea creatures and it was how the pair had met actually although it wasn't with smiles on their faces.

On a night just like this one, George was being chased by a great white shark for trying to salvage some food after his family was attacked. He was on his own and had gotten lost finding no way back to his cave where his family lay "resting" and instead swam into the sharks territory. The smell of his blood was enough for the white shark to arrive at the coral where the merman was eating some cod that he had managed to catch after he could have sworn he lost the great white. He attempted to hide from the beast with blending in with some coral until he realised that the shark had seen him from the start and when it swam past him he was in fact going around to jump out and surprise his prey (George)

Being faced with the monster the man teared up dropping the dead fish at his feet before swimming away but the great white was not satisfied with such a small meal and went for the larger one instead. He swam with his teeth barred closer and closer to the merman who attempt to loose him in some kelp. The poor teen had crashed right into Dream who seeing his injured fin and the tear tracks on his face he looked around in a mad dash as he held the stranger who was loosing blood rapidly by the added dash away. 

When scanning the area he witnessed the large fin of his tail wrap around some kelp until it swayed away from it just a few meters from where the absolute strangers had been huddled together. With the blonds quick thinking he grabbed some fallen kelp off of his shoulder and wrapped it around the other merman who had been too busy crying to agree. After he done that he hovered near the teen wrapping his arms around him as he swam higher and higher where the kelp was at its thickest and it was too much for a large sea creature to get through. The shark soon swam away this time chasing a small school of fish which he was also pleased had managed to get away just as well as they had that day.

Long story short after the whole event they both decided that they should stick together since they both felt this kind of connection by how comfortable they both had been in ever since meeting the other. A few weeks as strangers they later turned into best friends a few months later until their long travelling into safety from many monstrous creatures. Then they found the place they were in now, a place they had stayed in for more than four years and had been dating ever since they had arrived at the peaceful part of the ocean. 

"Don't worry angel you can sleep for a bit the waters calmer than the storm is making it above water, anyway l can keep us a float here we can leave in a bit" he hummed as he kissed his loves forehead. The water rushed around them slowly as he felt his boyfriend fall into a limp state allowing sleep to take over him just as a huge object was seen behind him and creeping closer. Dream didn't notice and decided to rest his eyes for a little bit as the body heat radiating from George was something that he had always found comforting through the long nights. 

Those long nights when George would have nightmares of his families death they both found safety without sleeping in the cold instead basking in each other body heat. It reminded them that they were never alone but they were always too shy to admit it. His eyes fell shut as he himself fell asleep with the two sinking like a leaf fallen from a tree onto the sandy sea floor.

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