Chapter 5

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Wilbur and Techno were rudely interrupted from their discussions when the Skephalo couple turned up. They both looked extremely pale and worried out of their minds with what was going on. Bad was just trembling holding Skeppys arm while the diamond man tried to restrain how he shook but having the blood in his hands didn't help how the situation looked at all.

"We need your help!" Bad stammered a bit too loud as pirates walking by gave them weird looks as he piped down once they had passed "The blue merman he had this bad reaction to the metal when we were trying to sow his tail, we need you to take them both to the room so then we can do this without Jshlatt watching" 

Wilbur chucked a little at this Phrase until he turned to Techno as he straitened up. "Sure we will be over in a minute" the pair began to walk away before Wilbur turned to them a hand on Skeppys shoulder as he pointed to Techno who opened his mouth to speak. 

"What's that Merman's deal you know the one with the green tail he was bitter with his words- l mean l know we took them away from their family and stuff but that man was way too protective for a friend maybe they are more than that" he spoke as the others began to but Wilbur interrupted. 

"What are you on about Techno why should this come to any importance what so ever!" hearing a small groan from the centre of the ship most likely the blue merman he summed up what he was about to say "We can ask them soon lets go" 

They all began to jog to the middle until they reached them as you could seen that the wound had swollen up and the blood flow had increased meaning his once blue tail was now a dark red and swam between his scales. The green merman was holding the other across him to try and calm him down he was applying pressure to the cloth that had been left their which was soaked with blood, each of them were hushing the other trying to keep quiet.

"Hi, you two we are just here to carry you both to the rooms we had for you and to also make sure that you don't try to escape or injure yourself more." Bad told them as the others stood around them. "Wilbur and Techno where going to carry George and Philza is going to carry you Dream" he finished. 

The merman pondered for a minute before objecting "No its the other way round, that Philza guy can carry George. l don't trust the other" he finished as the pair just nodded unsettled by how untrusted they were as it was understandable since they had attempted to throw their friend off the edge of the ship only that morning. 

Wilbur and Techno each nodded as they walked over to where the green merman was while Philza went off to the other side of them crouching down like the pair just behind Dream. Philza opened his arms first since this merman was on Dreams lap so he slid him off into the winged m ans out stretched arms who lifted him up and carried him in his arms. Georges head lulled to the side as he winced in pain but Dream knew once they were in that room they would both be completely safe and could get some privacy. 

Wilbur and Techno did the same to the merman but they both held under his shoulder and used their spare arm to lift his tail up and like that they were moving to the other side of the ship where the small rooms were in the right quarters, they were abandoned filled with dust and white cloths covering precious furniture. George had been tossing and turning in a try bed with blue covers while Dream was sat next to him on a green bed.

"why can't I sit next to him" he questioned while Bad and Skeppy stood around his boyfriends bed there faces filled with concern as they observed the blood surronded by his beautifull glistning scales.

Philza was the only one they had been staring at, so he stepped foreward with his black cape swaying. "When l came in here he asked for you to be in this room but much to his defiance we need the medics of our crew to make sure that their will be no more infection so as far as we are concerned your kind could be allergic to this metal that we have all around our ship" he finished as Dream's eyes darted around the room returning to his George and back around again in hopes that all metal would be removed with the snap of his fingers as well as his angel of the sea to finally gain full conciousness or that he would awake from this nightnmare and-

It had becombe known to everyone around them that this aggresive man was now filled with terror his breath came and went in short bursts as he yperventilated, chest tightening he fastenened his arms around his chest as a terror like gasp escaped his mouth as it hit him all at once. His now dry tail crept closer to his chest as a shaky sob racked through his body sending his shoulders foreward and back as his eyes tightened shut with tears threatning to leak. This was exposing his vunrability as finally the pain that had been surging in Georges middle part of his tail had dissipated as Bad and Skeppy checked it over and tied some white cloth tightly around it mutturing lines such as "you should rest" and "we will observe you for a bit but all together you seem quite all right"

Now all eyes were on the merman who had silently sobbed as his whole body seemed to shake as it all came together, he was unaware of the presence in the room and it felt although cotton was stuffed in his ears as his eyes becambe itchy. George had never seen him this upset before and he knew what he had to do to make him better, hopefully Dream would not mind what he was about to do!

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