Chapter 6

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Philza with his fatherly gaze stepped up to aid the merman in front of him, the father of three carried George to his boyfriend but obviously no one knew that apart from Dream and George of their romantic relationship. The brunets heart shattered at the sight of his Dream sobbing and having a panic attack so in desperation, as he was set on the covers, he was going to comfort him.

"Dream?" he questioned as the merman kept on sobbing this time it was a bit louder than previous, but the man just kept on sobbing while people stood around awkwardly. George climbed over using his hands to move up the bed avoiding Dreams tail which was curled up as he sobbed into his hands. He moved behind the man as the covers hugged his sides, looking up he noticed the people around him looking on wondering what he was going to do exactly.

Philza was stood at the end of the bed, Techno and Wilbur were at the head of the bed looking on puzzled, Bad and Skeppy were sat on the other bed cleaning up while glancing back giving worries looks as the sobbing continued with small yelps. It was all too much for Dream so after not getting a reply George had been right behind him with Dreams back facing him. 

George reached over rubbing his back lightly until Dream stopped sobbing for a moment as he turned around using his right arm to pull himself around so he was facing George with tears falling down his face. He looked at him with wide eyes as George's eyes softened as he pulled the other merman closer who had his arms close to his chest. This was so then Dream was laying with his head on his boyfriends chest, while George wrapped his arms around Dream as his eyes still displayed the shocked expression until he softened into the other merman's embrace. 

He still had his hands close to his chest as he hid his face in Georges shoulder and began to sob louder and louder it was so overwhelming for them both that George could not help but shed a few tears in response. Everyone else just stood around awkwardly. They could not leave them alone and yet all they could do was be sympathetic and just stand there. 

It was the kind of ragged sobbing where you would hiccup between sobs and gasp for breath as if you were drowning. A weird feeling for a merman to have as it was absolutely impossible to drown. Unless you were chocking on your own blood but they had never been in a life threatening situation before at least not yet with all the pirates surrounding them. 

"Shhh you're ok. You're ok" George attempted to comfort him rubbing his back in a circular motion while Dream sobbed. It got so bad that the merman was struggling to breath also going into a state of panic where air seemed to attack his lungs and not help them. George looked around the room his eyes going wide "I don't know what to do" his voice shook as he gazed at the people around him. 

Panic Attacks were unheard of you could tell by the way George's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Wilbur and Techno. They seemed to understand what to do as Techno went over to the left to talk to Dream and Wilbur went to Georges. This wasn't Philza though so the whole trust of land dwellers was not there yet!

George put his hands protectively over Dream as his desperation faded, "Don't" he growled while Philza made his voice known. 

"If you can trust me, you can trust my sons" he answered as George nodded it was a bit peculiar that a hybrid with wings had not given that to his sons or how one of them did have ears on his head and light pink hair. 

Wilbur and Techno got to helping the pair, Techno whispered in Dreams ear trying to help him in his state of panic while Wilbur who George knew as the one with a yellow wool jumper and a beanie. 

"He's going to be alright-" he stopped for a name. 


"He's going to be alright George..." he exhaled "its just a panic attack something that happens when people are overwhelmed and l can't really blame you or him for that" he finished as he noticed Georges shoulders relax and his eyes soften.  

Before the both of them knew it once Wilbur had gotten the line of wisdom to George's ears, Dreams sobbing had settled into the silence as he lightly whimpered in his sleep. His head was nuzzled against Georges chest, his boyfriend looked calm finally as the silence was now accepted into the room. George could not help but brush his hands through Dreams curls for once they were not wet and actually was a new sensation like the damp covers. It was soft. 

Wilbur turned to George as he smiled, Techno had returned to Philza side who patted his shoulder in pride. The awake merman's eyes fluttered fatigue finally catching up to him but Wilbur was too curious. 

"What's the merman's name?" he questioned while George yawned his eyes falling to a close. He snuggled closer to Dream. 

"Dream...his name is Dream" and fell to sleep in Dreams embrace. 

A few moments later, the doorknob began to turn the door creaked open, all eyes turned to the wooden door as light creeped in as well as three others. Each had shocked looks on their faces to see the merman cuddled on the bed with everyone crowding around. 

"Are they sleeping?" Ranboo asked his American accent shinning through as he ducked at the doorway gazing at the others who all turned in surprise. 

Tubbo was way smaller than Ranboo his head was a few inches from his shoulder "Are they Dead?" he trembled only to be met by stunned and worried faces as if the sleeping merman had indeed died "What" he yelled in response "You are all crowded round them like you just witnessed their funeral!"

Then it was Tommy's turn he was up to Ranboo's shoulder in height and had a blabber mouth that cursed far too much for his age "My Eyes" he yelped reaching to cover them with his hands "I'm a minor. Oh F*ck" he cursed as he ran around his two friends shouting in his dramatic way as if it was something so inappropriate when it was just cuddling. 

"Language" Bad muttered as Skeppy leant into him rubbing his shoulder as he hugged his side leaning on one another. Speaking of being tired it was as if everyone had been fatigued by staying up all night and the bags under their eyes was evidence. The door closed behind them as they crept into the room each one staring at the merman who hugged one another on the queen sized bed trying to keep warm as they did not have the sea temperature to help them. 

"What happened in here?" Ranboo questioned "We heard a lot of yelling and crying"

Skeppy the one who had remained laid back and quiet the whole time decided to speak up "The one in green is called Dream he had a panic attack by the events of today catching up" everyone turned to the shy man as you could tell Bad was also exhausted for a pirate ship he didn't have a lot of incidents with medical procedures that stressful "George had no idea how to handle it-"

"Who is George?" Tubbo asked. 

"Yeah" Tommy yelled "Who the f*ck is George?"

"LANGUAGE" a yawn cried as he snuggled closer to Skeppy. 

"The merman, he was so distressed by the whole event Wilbur had to calm him down, they are close" Skeppy called as he intertwined his fingers with Bad's it seemed to hit everyone what these two meant to onw another. 

Eret bursted into the room his breath was laboured the door slammed into the wall which probably left a mark on the wall. "Jshlatt... he's" they laboured wiping her brow "he's DRUNK and he's going a bit berserk he might attack the others" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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