Chapter 1145

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Erin's POV: When Hank asked me why Jay had to go to the kitchen to check his e-mail, I sighed and looked at him. "This is something I never wanted you to find out but, this is one of the parts of me being married to Jay that you can't complain about." Hank then glared at me. "He's keeping secrets from you isn't he?" Hank then got up and was about to go talk to Jay when I stopped him. "Hank, it's for my protection." Hank then turned to look at me. "You do not keep secrets between you guys. Not when you are working in the same unit." I then sighed when he walked over. Hank then went to look at Jay.

Walking into the kitchen, Hank walked up to Jay and went to grab his phone. "What you doing keeping secrets from Erin?" He then went to look at the e-mail. However, Jay put his phone over the screen. "Hank, you read that are going to federal prison." I then turned to look at Jay. "Excuse me? I thought it was just stuff regarding me getting too stressed." Jay then sighed and looked at us both. Hank then glared at him and was about to read the e-mail. Jay then went to grab him and pushed him against the counter, holding his wrists behind him. "Last chance, hand it over."

Hank then turned to look at him and went to punch him. "You cheating jack ass!" I then yelled at Hank. "Hank!" Jay then looked up at him. "You really think I'm cheating on her? That wasn't an e-mail from my dirty mistress you jackass! It was an DIA e-mail!" Jay then got up and went to grab his phone, locking it. He then looked at Hank. "Do not touch my phone again or I will have to arrest you." Jay then walked over to me and went to sit down across from me. Hank then turned to look at him. "I can't read your work e-mail?"

Jay sighed and looked at him. "You can read my CPD e-mail all you want. But, not my DIA e-mail. That is something neither you nor Erin can read." Hank then sighed. "Okay, explain." Jay then sighed and looked at him. "Defense Intelligence Agency. I am technically still a federal agent even while working at the CPD and have the power to arrest you for any federal crime. And reading a DIA agent's e-mail is against 18 US Code 798." Hank then looked at me and was shocked. "So that's where you get that information you can't tell me."

Jay nodded as he went to put his phone away, nodding. "Sorry for freaking out. I would just rather not have to arrest you Hank. Hank, had you read that e-mail...I would've been in a hard situation. I mean, it's my job to protect Erin and keep her stress down. And trust me, seeing her dad get arrested in her kitchen would probably be very stressful. However, I also have a duty to uphold the laws of the country. If I caught you reading my e-mail, I would be bound by my oath that I took with regards to national security to arrest you as a federal agent."

Hank then went to sit down and looked at us both. "And Erin's FBI clearance? That not get her high enough?" Jay sighed and shook his head. "I wish." I then looked at Hank. "Exactly why I told you that you can't complain about it Hank. It is not something Jay can control. If he could, I bet he would share whatever information that he could with the unit." Jay then nodded and smiled. "However, it does come in handy when it comes to finding stuff. Eventually, I do get it out."

I then got scared and looked at him. "Okay, so you just said that you can't share it get it out?" Jay then sighed. "Called being a good detective. I try and find the clues that we have in evidence. Then, I try and make the story fit the evidence we have so that it is technically not sharing classified information but instead, sharing information based on non-classified CPD evidence if that makes any sense." I laughed when he said that. "Smart."

Hank then looked at him, impressed. "Wow, you are even better than I thought. That why you take so much time when it comes to your reports?" Jay sighed and nodded. "Need to make sure that I write it correctly so that the information contained in written in a way that is a lot less technical and military-like. Instead, it's more like a civilian police officer wrote it." Hank smiled and liked that. "Then you take however long you need to write your reports." Jay smiled and nodded before grabbing his phone, he then grabbed his recorder. "Can I get that on tape?"

We all laughed when he said that when he put his phone away. "Jay, I'm impressed. And sorry for getting mad. You are just trying to protect us." Jay nodded and smiled. "I will always protect you and Olivia. That is my job as your husband. However, I want to let you know about another e-mail I just got. I got approved for permanent placement at the Springfield office. No more overseas work." I then looked at him. "Springfield?" Jay then looked at me.

"Just officially. They know I work for the CPD. I just have to report there for yearly training and physicals. However, I told them that I need to deferral this year or until COVID is over due to you being pregnant. They said it's okay since I am intelligence rather than physical combat." I smiled and liked the sound of that. "Perfect. Now listen, what do we all say we order in?" Jay liked the sound of that and smiled. "Molly's anybody?" I chuckled and smiled, nodding. "You know my order. What you want Hank?" Hank then smiled at me. "Just get me a salad." Jay agreed and then went to grab his phone to make the order.

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