28: Mushy

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Jungkook's sleep was broken by the sound of a very loud alarm. Rolling over to turn it off, he was suddenly reminded of the day he had ahead and he sighed a little in response. On top of that, he could have sworn he fell asleep with Luna, but she was nowhere to be found.

However the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen gave Jungkook a good idea of where his soulmate was. He smiled to himself at the thoughtfulness. He probably wouldn't have had time to make himself coffee had he been alone. Groggy, hair messy, and shirt still gone, Jungkook got up to go see Luna in the kitchen.

She was busy pouring two cups when he walked in, so he walked up behind her and gently slid into a back hug. "Good morning." He said.

Luna put down the coffee and leaned back into his touch. "Morning."

"You're too good to me you know that?" Jungkook said gently, then planted a kiss on her head. "You should've slept longer."

Luna shrugged and smiled. "I figured having coffee prepared for you would be good. I know you. You wouldn't have gotten it yourself."

Jungkook chuckled. She really did know him so well so quickly. "You know so much about me, but I feel like I hardly know anything about you."

Luna grabbed the mug for Jungkook and turned around to pass it to him. "Well then we have lots of time to talk while on tour. Do you think I could get them to allow us to share a room?"

Jungkook was taken aback by this question. "Well, I'm sure we could arrange for that. Although I'll bet the staff won't be super happy about the change in plans." He smiled cheekily at her.

"They like me. I'm sure it'll be fine." She said with a shy smile.

Jungkook laughed a little again and took a sip of his coffee, cringing a bit at the bitterness but grateful for the warmth. "I'm sure it will be."

"Well, I need a shower." Jungkook pouted at this, and Luna tilted her head with a smile at the adorableness of her soulmate. "Make yourself some food and shower after me. We'll head out after that." She pat his chest and walked away from him.

Jungkook watched her as she walked away. The smile on his face was unconscious when the door closed behind Luna. Something about the way she just knew what he needed before he did made him feel warm inside. It was similar to when the boys knew what was going on as well, but she knew even the littlest of things with him.

After a moment, the shower turned on, which snapped Jungkook into breakfast making. He looked through the fridge and decided on breakfast fried rice with leftovers. He usually didn't eat until a little later in the day, so he figured making something he could take with him would satisfy Luna's worry for him. There was also always something for him available at the stadium.

Just when he was turning off the burner of the stove to let it cool enough for a container, Jungkook heard Luna's steps behind him, which warned him of the upcoming back hug attack he was going to get. It was one of her favourite things to do to him at lunchtime. He got used to it quickly. The effort needed to pick up Luna was nothing for Jungkook, especially with his new workout routine he started the fall prior.

Her giggles filled the room as their bodies collided in a familiar way. Jungkook span around and let her down to the ground so they could face each other. He snatched Luna's hands and pulled her away from the kitchen, into the living room. Jungkook found himself laughing as well. They were in some sort of bliss that neither of them had ever experienced. The atmosphere was warm and loving. There was nothing else the pair would have wanted in those moments together.

"Why do you always do that?" Jungkook questioned after the laughter had died down slightly.

Luna smiled even wider, which immediately notified Jungkook that the next words to come were going to be super cheesy. "Because I know you will always catch me." His heart melted at the sight of his soulmate looking at him with the most puppy-like eyes. "No matter what, you always catch me"

"What else am I supposed to do? Choke slam you like my hyungs?" He replied, his smile cheeky and teasing.

Luna laughed in response, and then tried to pretend to be all offended. "Excuse me! I was trying to be cute."

Jungkook gently pulled her into a hug. "You know it's too early for me to be all mushy? Plus, I have a show later, which, by the way, you have to be at."

"And I think it's too early for you to be teasing me like that." She pulled back gently to look at him. "I'm excited to see you perform for real today. Don't kill me too much with My Time because I need to endure a whole 6 months of that."

Jungkook smiled at that, enjoying the light validation he got from Luna. "I still have to do my best for ARMY... Holy shit I'm going to perform today... in front of thousands of ARMY... Wow." He looked at her with super wide eyes.

"Yes, and you're going to do amazing. I believe in you." Luna smiled. She was genuine with those beautiful words.

"Thank you, Luna." Was all that Jungkook said, knowing that appreciation was all that she needed.

Luna rested her head back on his chest, only to feel the vibration of her phone in her pocket. She was also suddenly truly aware of the day ahead. She checked it, to see that it was their driver telling them that they were on the way.

To which Luna realised that Jungkook had not yet showered.

"Jungkookie, I know you just wanna stay here forever, but the driver is coming and you still need to shower." She felt his body tense a bit before he pulled away. He looked at her wide-eyed again.

"Right! I knew there was something I was supposed to do. Be ready when I come out so that this will go a bit faster." He said in a slightly frantic tone.

Luna nodded and smiled to calm him down a bit. "I will be, don't worry. Now go!"

Jungkook scooted off into the bathroom, and Luna went to find the stash of her own clothes he had slowly accumulated over the many visits.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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