Hidden Away

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We've all broken our rules for someone.
I broke my rules for everyone.
Sometimes for the better; sometimes for the worst.
Tragedy tends to follow me everywhere. My relationships, my life, and hell, even my family, but everyone's family is at least a little fucked up anyway.
Isn't it?

The two men in my life who I've broken my rules for meant everything to me.
I saved them at all times at the expense of myself. I saved everyone at the expense of everything I know.
I saved everyone, but who was there to save me?
I let myself become wrecked, and I even apologized for it. All that mattered was that they were safe.
It's all a bit tragic, don't you think?

I saw the best in people.
They always expected the impossible from me.
I was born a leader, yet the circumstances were always set up against me.
I always laughed at the mistakes they would make,
For there was no greater mistake than assuming.
That was their one true mistake.
They assumed.
They underestimated my power.

I have found many horrors in the things others find peace in.
I should be grateful for living the life I did.
But I didn't live at all.
But that's all my fault. Somehow, it always is.
I was tired of the constant war.
The war going on between what I felt and what was right.
It was a war not even I could run from.
For the only escape was with my death.

This book is not at all like the first one, Different, which I am currently rewriting. I understand the problems that book has, which are also things I've come to dislike about it, which is why I'm working as fast to rewrite it.

For my peeps who are currently reading this book and are probably confused as to why this is at the beginning, I didn't really like how I started this without something to hook readers, so I typed this out and I really love it, hence why I created a whole chapter dedicated to it. This part is now the opener and it is what people will see when they first open this book!  Y'all might be confused about some of the things that are written in the opener, but I'll let you all know that it was completely intentional and will happen, which is why I put it in past tense.

For my new peeps, thank you for checking my book out and giving it a chance! I suggest you stick around because this will be one hell of a ride!

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