Four: Mistakes

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The feeling of Evan moving under me woke me up. I yawned before stretching my limbs and standing up. I shuddered as the events of the previous day flooded back into my mind.

Morning. Evan's voice echoed in my head.

"I'm not in the mood right now, Evan," I told him. I made sure the fire was completely out by stomping on it before starting to walk in the direction of our home. "I'm going back to look at the aftermath."

In a flash, Evan was in front of me, blocking my way. Are you actually serious?

"Get out of my way, Evan," I warned and made a move to go around him, but he only moved to block me.

You don't know if they're still there, looking for us, He said but I ignored him and tried getting passed him, only ending up in him cutting me off again. I'm being serious.

"And I'm being serious too. Let me pass," I said, more firm this time, looking him in the eyes.

Are you okay? He asked.

"I'm perfectly fine," I lied.

That's a lie. He stated. You fail to remember that I've known you for most of my life.

I sighed in defeat, "I'm not fine. Happy now?"



It's going to be-

"It's not okay, Evan!" I snapped. "So don't say it. I've lost everything. I have no one left!"

You have no one left? Hurt was etched into his voice.

"That's not what I-"

Have you forgotten about me!? I flinched at his tone. I studied his wolfy features. He genuinely seemed hurt. He looked like he was trying to suppress tears.


You're not the only one who's been impacted by this. He said sadly. At least you had a father to look up to. We stayed silent for and I bowed my head.

It's not healthy to keep everything bottled up, you know. Evan said after moments of silence. I looked up and met his gaze.


You're bottling everything up. I can tell that you're ready to explode into tears any second now. It's okay to cry. It's okay to let everything out. I only shrugged. He was right; I was ready to explode. I was never one to express my emotions. I was always the stronger one out of the both of us.

"Whatever, I'm going. Can you get out of my way?"

I still don't think you should go, he said and I shrugged again.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to, Evan, but I do know something: you're not going to be able to stop me." He huffed at me before stepping to the side, letting me pass.

I'll stay here and hunt us something to eat, but you have to mind link me if anything happens. He said sternly and I nodded.



I gasped as I reached our small pack. It was unrecognizable. Most of the shacks were destroyed, the rest were barely standing. Clothes, food and bodies were littered everywhere.

My heart sunk. There was no way anyone survived. People of all ages were scattered on the ground; both children and adults.

I let tears fall freely down my face as I walked around the place. The metallic smell that I smelt before Evan and I left still lingered. It made me feel sick to my stomach.

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