GusLey Drabble: Saying Goodbye to my Demons

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Part 3 drabble of Give-Take drabble where Lesley and Gusion were both hurting (or more like, I hurt them *evil laugh*)

Randomly heard this song while working and got hooked <3


Lesley sighed as she walked out from the building. She was tired— physically and mentally. She couldn't focus on her work.

It had been four months since she asked some rest from their relationship.

Gusion kept on messaging her though— giving her updates everyday. He was even reminding her to never skip her meals, drink her water and to be safe always.

She would just reply "thanks, you too". She was not still ready to talk to him that long. She was not even answering his calls.

Lesley was still healing herself. She even told him four months ago to do not visit her since she was not still ready to face her.

But she would be lying if she would say she didn't miss him.

Because God knows that she missed him so much. And it was still him, she still loved Gusion Paxley so much.

"That was deep."

Lesley smiled upon hearing that voice and hugged him.

"Did you wait long?" She asked him when he opened the car door for her.

"Not really, I just arrived few minutes ago, Sis." Harley said when he was seated on the driver's seat. "Is there somewhere you want to go first before I drop you off to your apartment?"

Harley was already eighteen so he was allowed to drive a car now. He was actually visiting her every week and was even treating her to some restaurants and driving her to places she wanted to go to relax.

"Aren't you busy, baby brother? You still have school and our home is two hours away from here."

"Nah, not really Sis."

"And your allowance? There is an oil price hike every week."

"We have sponsor, don't worry." Harley said while driving, "So I'll just decide where we should go if you don't have any idea right now."

She shrugged, "Okay."

"It's time to end your sadness. I'm tired of your drama too." Harley said before he rolled his eyes.

But Lesley didn't understand it as she fell into slumber.


Lesley woke up when she heard voices. She even jolted when she realized she was already lying on a bed.

Did Harley carry me here? She asked herself while roaming her eyes. She was inside a villa.

A familiar villa.

She fixed her hair first before going out. And she gasped when she realized where she was right now.

She was on the rest house of the Paxleys.

Lesley saw the Paxleys and her family on the shore. Their fathers were doing the barbecue, their mothers werepreparing the food on the table. Harley with the Paxley siblings were swimming in the sea.

Her mother noticed her, "Lesley! Come here!"

She ran towards her mother and hugged her. She was almost teary-eyed upon hugging her mother. She didn't tell her parents their problem as she didn't want them to worry.

"Aww, sweetie. Everything will be okay." Her mother hushed her.

A lone tear escaped from her eye. Even though she didn't tell her a thing, her mother could sense her problems.

"Yep, we already scolded my son a big time." Rita told her and hugged her too.

"So you should relax now sweetie. Enjoy your time here with us, hmm?" Her mother told her.

Lesley smiled, "Thank you Mom."

The sun was almost setting, she was wearing a blue two-piece bikini but she still had her cover up.

She was sitting on a rock formation near the shoreline while looking at the beautiful sunset. The waves were hitting her feet.

"God it's been so long
Wide awake that I feel like someone else
I miss the way that you saw me
Or maybe the way I saw myself
But I came back to you broken
And I've been away too long
I hear the words I've spoken
And everything comes out wrong
I just can't get this together
Can't get where I belong
Who do you love?"

Lesley cried upon hearing that voice and those lyrics he was singing.

She looked and saw Gusion who was standing on the sea below the rock she was sitting.

Her heart swelled upon seeing him.

"From fable to fumble
From stable to stumble
Never more
I'll say goodbye to my demons
And all my breakevens
Ever yours
I, I won't come back to you broken
I won't stay away too long
Even the words I've spoken
They seem still come out wrong
I get my shit back together
Get right where I belong
Who do you love?"

"You." She mouthed at him while crying.

With that, Gusion cried too and spread his arms as if telling her to jump over him.

She didn't think twice and jumped to him. He didn't disappoint her as he caught her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, love. Please forgive me for my shortcomings. I've already chased away my demons." Gusion whispered to her.

"I'm sorry too, Gus."

"No, my queen. Don't take responsibility to my mistake."

Lesley didn't know how long they he was carrying her while hugging. He kept on whispering I love you and I'm sorry to her.

"I have another thing to confess, love." Gusion said.

She gave him a look, implying him to continue.

"Hmm..." Gusion hummed, "I've been checking on you every week though, watching you from a distance. Since you told me not to show myself. And I asked Harley to visit you from time to time."

Lesley was shocked, "You did what?" She squinted her eyes, "It's okay for me that you checked on me every week but I'm more worried about you asking Harley to check on me. Did he ask for something in return?"

Knowing her little brother, he wouldn't agree without something in return. Especially that he knew they had a problem. He would take the opportunity to ask something to Gusion.

Gusion avoided her gaze so she cupped his face to face her.

He sighed, "He just asked for a PS5 and a new gaming computer. It's not a big deal, love."

"It's not a big deal?" Lesley asked in a high pitch voice, "Love, that was too much money!"

"And I can earn it back." Gusion smiled to her, "But there is only one Lesley Vance in the world and I will do anything to keep you."

Oh Lord, thank you for giving this man to me but let me reprimand my little brother later.


There, I made it up to you ha? HAHAHAHA. They were okay now. HAHAHAHAHA.

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