One Shot 8.2: The Art of Moving On

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"Hey Lesley! Are you coming to the reunion?"

Lesley put her things on her table before looking at Claude with a frown. "What reunion?"

Claude moved his swivel chair near her. "Our high school class reunion! It's next week Les."

Lesley opened her computer and started her work. "I think I'm too busy to attend."

Claude sighed. "Come on Les, you've been drowning yourself to work these past few months. You've lost some weight too. Do you have a problem?"

Lesley didn't answer and just focused on what she was doing.

It was true though. She had been drowning herself to work for the past few months, ever since he came back.

"I'm just always here for you Les, okay? You know that." Claude said.

"I know, thank you Claude."

"And you know I love you."

Lesley suddenly felt guilty, "Claude–"

Claude raised his one hand in front of her to stop her, "I know Lesley. I know where to stand. I'm just reminding you that I am here."

Claude smiled and went to his area. Lesley was left there, feeling guilty.

Claude was always there for Lesley. Those first months since she and Gusion broke up, he was the one who always comforted her. He had been her human handkerchief.

Claude and Gusion were actually both her suitors back then. But she fell in love with Gusion, and Claude remained as their close friend. In fact, he always cursed Gusion before while she was crying because of their break up.

And Lesley couldn't believe it that up until now, his feelings for her never changed.

She often asked herself: why didn't she fell in love with Claude? If she did, then maybe, things were different now. She might not be brokenhearted now.

She needed to move on.

But Lesley knew it was wrong to use other person just to move on. It was a selfish move, and she didn't want to hurt Claude.

Claude has been kind to her and she would just used him?

No, definitely no.

Lesley sighed. Will I ever move on from you Gusion?


"Lesley, aren't you going home yet?" Irithel asked her as she picked up her bag.

"Later Iri, I need to finish this." Lesley answered while still typing on the computer.

"Now now Iri, why don't you take Lesley as your role model? You always went out early." Claude teased Irithel.

An angry vein appeared on Irithel's forehead. "I'm just on time to leave. And I don't need to overtime always because I do my work fast, unlike you, you lazy bastard."

Claude laughed, "I didn't say anything. You're so defensive."

Irithel stomped her feet angrily and glared at Claude. "Whatever you say ice cream head! Don't talk to me again!"

Lesley couldn't help it but to giggle. Those two looked so cute when they were arguing.

Irithel flipped her bangs and looked at her. "Take care Lesley, and be extra careful to someone with a hair like an ice cream."

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