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I climbed into the back of the truck waiting for Mags. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, I smiled looking around.

"Waiting for someone?" Malarkey asked.

"Maybe," I shrugged blowing out the smoke. I smiled as I saw Eugene and Maggie in their uniforms walking towards the truck. She waved and I waved back.

"Margaret huh?" Malarkey spoke up.

"I guess we talked a lot last night at the mess hall," I smirked. I got up and took Margaret's hand helping her in.

"Morning Mags," I smiled and she sat next to me.

"Morning Joe," she smiled and held her helmet.

"Sleep alright there doll?" I smiled putting out my cigarette.

"Yeah, did you?" She smiled looking at me. She looked so cute in her uniform. She was one of the only few women fighting at the front lines.

"I did, after chattin' with you." I winked at her but her cheeks heated up red and she smiled looking away.
I smiled to myself as we took off to wherever the fight was now.

     We arrived at the crossroads and a medic got off looking around. Maggie flinched against me as they called his name and he turned around getting shot. Rounds started to fire and I pulled Margaret down with me as I ran to a foxhole. Maggie took a deep breath sitting and leaning against the wall of ours as I shot at the enemy lines. I glanced down at Margaret to make sure she was still okay. She looked up at me, I nodded and went back to shooting. I yelped quietly as I got hit in the side of the neck. It was nothing more than a graze I'd be fine.

"Joseph!" Margaret started to stand up to help me.

"Mags stay down!" I pushed her shoulders down so she was back down.

"Joe you're hurt! It's my job to help you!" She yelled at me in between rounds.

"Maggie I'm fine! It was just a graze." I yelled back at the brunette girl. She sighed and started pulling out bandages.
Eventually, it all stopped. But I was annoyed and kept shooting.

"Joe," Winters tapped me. I finished off the round.

"Joe knock it off!" He yelled at me then touched the wound.

"God damn it what!?" I yelled at him.

"Protch clean him up and make sure he gets back with the rest of them." Winters stood back up and walked away.
Maggie stood up and took my helmet off. She grabbed the flask out of her bag and poured it onto the open wound. I flinched, "Mags take it easy." I huffed.

"I'm cleaning it out smart ass," She scolded me and wrapped a bandage loosely around the wound.

"Now don't scare me like that again," she grabbed my face gently and brought our lips together.
I smiled into the kiss, I pulled away and my mud was on her face.

"Let's get back Doll," I smiled pulling her out of the foxhole with me. She smiled and went and checked on the other soldiers to make sure they were okay. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I watched her walk with Luz talking about something.

"You're in love with her huh? Love at first sight?" Malarkey asked again pushing out a reaction.

"I guess so, when they started firing rounds I was scared she was gonna get hit and I'd lose her. I've only known her for two days but I think I like her." I blew out some smoke.
Margaret walked over and took the cigarette out of my mouth.

"Hey Mags!" I pouted, she inhaled deeply and let out smoke handing it back.

"Let's get going Joe," she shoved my shoulder. I smiled and put my arm around her as we walked back to the tanks.
I got up on one and pulled her up with me. She sighed sitting down next to me.

"Still okay sweetheart?" I handed her a cigarette. She nodded with a yawn taking the cigarette from me and lit it.

My Heart Is Buried In Venice -Joe LiebgottWhere stories live. Discover now