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I rocked Eliza as Joe slept next to me. I got her to take a bottle and I sat there with her while she ate.
Joe started to toss and turn in bed, mumbling inaudible words.
I frowned turning back to Eliza, I heard him gasp then wake up.

"Joe? Are you okay? Did we wake you?" I turned to look at him. He sighed and sat up pushing his brown hair out of his face.

"No, you didn't wake me up. I just I'm fine," he sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Here I'll take Eliza you go back to sleep you need the extra sleep." He looked over at us.

"Are you sure Joe? You have to get up earlier than I do?" I frowned looking at him.

"Yeah Mags, it's fine I feel like you're always up with her. It'd only be fair if I let you sleep." He kissed my cheek.

"Okay, I love you, Joe." I passed him the bottle then Eliza.

"I love you too Maggie, good night sweetheart." He smiled at me. I laid back down and cuddled into the blankets.
I knew Joe was having issues sleeping after we had gotten back. I couldn't blame him, what we went through was hard. I just wanted him to be able to get help. I sighed and let the sleep take over.

I came downstairs and Joe was working on breakfast. Eliza was sitting in her high chair, Joe looked so good. His hair was laid perfect, he had a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

"Morning Maggie," he looked up.

"Good morning," I picked up Eliza and hugged him.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked plating the pancakes.

"Alright, you?" I asked him getting Eliza a bottle from the fridge.

"I had a little bit of a struggle after I got Eliza back to sleep." He sighed sitting across from me at the table. I didn't want to bring it up to him but we needed to talk about the nightmares at some point. He put his cigarette out and cut up his pancakes.

"Are you excited about the wedding?" I asked changing the subject.

"Very much so doll," he looked up at me and shot me a wink.

"So it's going to be the same except Talia and Kelilah are my bridesmaids?" I asked with a giggle.

"Yeah, yeah," he smiled as he chewed.

"But Malarkey, Frank, and Webster are standing for you?" I asked him. He nodded and checked his watch.

"Shit, sorry hun I gotta go." He got up, I stood up and he hugged me quick. Then kissed me softly, "I love you."

"Love you too," I tossed him his coat as he left. I made sure Eliza was eating before I cleaned up the kitchen. I had to run her to Joe's mom's before I left for the hospital.

        I knocked on Mrs. Liebgott's door holding Eliza. I tapped my foot waiting for her to answer. I backed up as the door opened.

"Margaret!" She smiled, "Come in."

"I'm just here to drop off Eliza," I smiled into her hug. I loved her polish accent so much.
She took Eliza and smiled at her, I put her bag on the floor. I smoothed out my white dress.

"Okay thank you so much Mrs. Liebgott, I've gotta go I'm going to be late. Joe's going to pick her up when he's done." I waved as I walked towards the door.

"Okay Maggie, goodbye." She waved back. I shut the door behind me and got in my car to get to the hospital.

      I rubbed my forehead and unlocked the door to the house as I got home from work. I slid my shoes off by the closet.

"Joe?" I called into the seemingly empty house. It smelled like apple pie, I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetheart," Joe smiled at me and winked.

"Hi?..." I was a little suspicious of what was going on. He walked over to our record player and put the needle on a record. Soft quiet music started, Joe took my hand and turned me.

"I got my mom to take Eliza overnight so we can have an adults-only night." He kissed my neck from behind.

"That's great but can I go shower and change first?" I smiled looking up at the man I fell in love with.

"Sure," he picked me up. I yelped as he ran upstairs and down the hall and into the bathroom.

"Woah Joe," I giggled and looked into his brown eyes. I smiled as he set me down and I turned the shower head-on. I began stripping off my clothes, so did Joe. He unclipped my bra and I blushed to turn to look at him.
I smiled and kissed his cheek as I pulled the curtain and we got in. I let the warm water run over my skin. Joe kissed down my neck and left a hickey on my collar bone.
"Fuck Joe," I moaned as he sucked on another spot.
I ran my hand through his wet hair.
I leaned my head against his chest as he slid me up against the wall and thrusted himself into me.

"Fuck Maggie," he whined as he thrusted in slowly. I moaned and kissed down his neck as he fucked me.

"Oh my god Joe," I whined and rested my head back on his chest. He panted as he came inside of me and set me back down. My knees were shaking as I felt like I could barely stand.

"You're so good," he smiled and kissed me again.

"Joe I need to tell you something," I looked up at him.

"Yeah, beautiful?" He smirked.

"I Uh, remember after our wedding when we had sex?" I asked him. He nodded, "I've missed two periods again and I think I'm pregnant."

"Really?" He smiled excitedly.

"Yeah," I giggled looking down at my stomach.

"I can't wait to have more Liebgotts if that's what you want sweetheart." He sighed.

"No! No that's what I want, I want a big family with you, Joe!" I rested my hand on his chest.

"Good," he kissed my head and we finished our shower.

My Heart Is Buried In Venice -Joe LiebgottWhere stories live. Discover now