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I drove an ambulance down to where the fight was today.
Eugene sat in the passenger seat and Joe leaned over, "Hey there Doll," he smirked passing me up a cigarette.

"Hey Joesph," I smiled as I kept my eyes on the road. I put the cigarette in between my lips.

"So are you guys an item?" Luz called up from the back.

"Hey quit it!" Joe turned yelling at the soldier.

"Kind of," I shrugged taking out the cigarette and letting the smoke blow out.

"She means we are, right sweetheart." Joe bumped my side.

"Whatever you say," I pulled up by the other trucks and stopped.

"Be careful sweetheart," Joe kissed my cheek and flicked his cigarette out.

"I don't want to see you bleeding Joesph," I smiled up at him as he put his helmet on running out into the woods. I sighed getting out grabbing the medical supplies and running with Eugene into the woods looking for the injured soldiers.

        I helped clean up a small wound on Nix before waiting for the right time to head to another foxhole. I ran across the field and I felt an agonizing pain shoot through my hip. I yelped loudly and fell into a foxhole.

"Margaret!" Joe yelled and ducked in down with me.

"I'm fine," I winced as I pressed a bandage against my hip. I sniffed as it hurt so badly.

"Hey hey I'll drive you back, make sure you're okay Margaret this could be serious." He looked at me.

"No I'm fine you need to stay out here," I argued with him.

"Margaret Protch I am not leaving you to go try to get help the krauts will kill you!" He argued back taking one of my hands and pressing the other to my hip. I yelped and dug the ambulance keys out of my pocket.

"Help me to the ambulance and help Eugene get the other hurt soldiers," I commanded him as I wrapped the bandage around my waist.

"Okay I'm gonna carry you, Margaret," he slung his gun a crossed his shoulder, and picked me up. I kept my arms wrapped around his neck, my eyes clenched shut. He had a strong grip on me, he got to the ambulance and put me in the passenger seat.
I watched him run off back into the woods to help Eugene.
I sniffed and removed the bandage from the wound replacing it with new bandages. I watched them carry back four men before he swung into the driver's seat.
He started the car up and started driving back. I grabbed the side as we whipped around a corner.

"God damn who taught you how to drive!?" I yelled at him.

"Mags this is the least of your worries. I drive taxi's remember I'm a professional." He winked at me. I sighed snd shut my eyes as my hip started hurting more.
"Stay with me doll," he touched my thigh, shivers ran down my spine.

Once we were back I commanded him to help get the men out from the back.
After, He came around and opened the passenger's door.
I put my arm around his shoulders as he snaked his strong arms under my knees and back.
He carried me into the makeshift hospital.

"Irene she got hit in the hip," he laid me down on my not hurt side on a cot." He looked at the nurse, he removed his helmet and mine.

"Joe you need to get back out there," I sniffed.

"No, I'm not leaving you! The love of my life is hurt!" He argued holding my hand.

"Okay, Margaret I'm going in to take the bullet out and clean it up," Irene spoke as she poured alcohol on the wound.
I yelped loudly and clenched my eyes.

"Sweetheart look at me," Joe kissed my knuckles. I opened my eyes to look at the brown-haired boy.

"Do you wanna come back to California with me when this is done?" He asked me with a smile on his face. I nodded and he wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"We can get a house together maybe a dog even?" He talked me through the pain as Irene fixed me up the best she could.

"Lieb let's go!" Buck yelled into the hospital.

"Yes sir," he called back.

"Goodbye Sweetheart I'll be back," he kissed my cheek as he ran back out.

"Quite a man you got there," Irene smiled, "Just lay here for a while and make sure you're okay." She instructed.
I nodded and laid my head down letting my tired eyes take me under.

A/N: hi! I published a band of brothers oneshot book please check it out!

My Heart Is Buried In Venice -Joe LiebgottWhere stories live. Discover now