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           I sighed as I watched Joe drive over to where I was standing waiting for him.
I crossed my arms as he stopped the Jeep and got out. He stayed silent and walked past me into the hotel.

"What just happened?" I asked Webster following him in.

"Joe, he uh killed a nazi commandant." Web sighed, I nodded and picked up my walking pace.
I ran up the stairs and pushed open the door to our room.
Joe sat at the bench on the end of the bed with his head in his hands.
I approached him slowly, I kneeled in front of him and gently took his hands and held them.
He had tear stains on his eyes, he looked at me then quickly looked to the side.

"Joe..." I squeezed his hands.

"Yeah, sweetheart?" He looked out the window.

"What's wrong," I untied his boots and removed them and his socks. I always cared for him when he was feeling down, the same way he did for me.
I sat on the bench next to him and removed mine, I took his jacket off of him. I hung it up and looked at him.
"Joe," I sighed sitting next to him.

"Yeah, Maggie?" He sighed still focusing his view on the window.

"Just don't shut me out," I took his hand and held it.

"I shot him Maggie," was all he said.

"Who?" I sat up more alert.

"Some Nazi commandant, Web, Skinny, and I. We drove up to his house and I yelled at him. Forcing him to admit to what he did to my, our people." He explained, he looked back at me with tears on his face.
I frowned, "Can I touch your face?" I asked him. He nodded and I wiped away his tears with my thumb.

"Maggie what if I can't stop being violent, what if I can't be trusted with Eliza?" He looked at me with his big brown eyes. His bottom lip trembled and he chewed on it.

"Hey don't say that," I held both of his hands, "I know you and I know that's not who you are or becoming. Wanting to kill Nazis isn't a bad thing Joe. We both love Eliza like crazy that wouldn't happen." I kissed his cheek, as my lips met his cheek it was drenched in his tears. He sniffed and hugged me. I wrapped my arms tight around the man I was in love with.

"I love you," he mumbled into me.

"I love you too," I sighed and nestled my head into his neck.
We stayed there for a while before he pulled away with a smile on his face.

"Let's get married here!" His crooked smile showing.

"What do you mean? How?" I asked confused.

"Frank is licensed to marry people, then we can have all those bastards here. Nix or Winters could walk you down the aisle. An Easy company wedding." He squeezed my hands.

"But I don't even have a dress! We don't have rings!" I explained confused about how this could work.

"We can get them from the krauts, Maggie," he kissed my knuckles, "Please marry me, Maggie."

"Okay! Okay fine, we can get married." He grabbed my face and we kissed. I picked her up and ran down the stairs.

"Woah Joe," I giggled holding onto him.

"We're getting married guys!" He shouted as we ran into where a handful of them were sitting.

"What?" Luz looked up from where he and Hefferon were playing cards.

"Is Perconte officiating?" Bull asked. I nodded eagerly, I smiled and leaned my head on his chest.

"Woah what's going on?" Winters and Nix walked in.

"Me and Joe are getting married, here!" Joe set me down. I walked over to Nix and Winters.

"Will you guys walk me down the aisle? Hand me off to Joe?" I asked looking up at them. They both glanced at each other.

"We'd be honored to Maggie," Winters smiled. Nix pulled me into a hug and ruffled my brown hair.

"Bunch of crazy kids," George shook his head.
I couldn't wait to tell everyone the news.

My Heart Is Buried In Venice -Joe LiebgottWhere stories live. Discover now