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       I followed Joe up the stairs as we broke into a German apartment complex.
"Tell her she's got five minutes," Nix said to Joe. Joe sighed and told her she had to leave. I watched them proceeding to listen to them argue in German.
"Sir she says they've got nowhere to go but to the house next door," Joe spoke to Nix. I felt bad about what they were doing but this was how war went. Web started yelling some other stuff at them. I frowned and leaned against the wall in the kitchen.
Once they left and everyone cleared out I looked at Joe.

"I know Maggie," he frowned and held my hand as we went to find a bedroom. I peered out the window as I saw the companies marching the krauts to pow camps. I sighed and Joe took off my helmet than his. I rested my head on his chest, he kissed my head. Before we loaded back up to whatever next.

     We were once in the back of the trucks, some of the Germans were looking at us. Web sighed and stood up in the truck. "Hey, you! Hey, you that's right you stupid kraut bastards! That's right! Say hello to Ford and General fucking Motors you stupid fascist pigs! Look at you! You have horses!"

"Web that's enough," I pulled him back into the truck.

"Dragging our asses halfway around the world. Interrupting our lives, and for what?!" He got up screaming at them again. He did have a point but he did waste his energy on them.
Joe sighed and put his arm around me, "Cigarette?"

"Sure," I sighed as he handed me one and I took my lighter out. I sighed and inhaled deeply and let out the smoke. We drove past a small house and French troops pulled out three krauts and lined them up execution-style. As they shot one, O'Keefe flinched.
Joe smiled and I sighed taking another drag. We both were out for revenge for what they did and we're still doing to our people. Joe was always so rough and violent with nazis.
Soon, we arrived in another town.

"I think we're close to getting to go home Mags," he kissed my knuckles I nodded.

"Move it out!" Winters called as the trucks stopped. I grabbed my medic bag and helmet as I jumped off and waited for Joe.
We walked over to Winter where he leaned on a Jeep.

"I wanna send out some patrol. We'll have Dog here in the village. Easy and Fox in the woods." Winters sighed.

Nix turned around, "Easy company's gonna take the northwest." Joe nodded and we headed to the woods.

We held hands and swung them as we walked in the woods. It was kind of romantic?

"You know Maggie, I never thought I'd ever meet my dream girl till I met you." Joe smiled looking down at me.

"Really? I didn't think I'd ever want to date again, let alone have a kid. But uh here we are." I giggled looking at him.

"You know I don't think I ever asked you to be my girlfriend but we're engaged now." He giggled and took a drink from his canteen and gave it to me.
I took a drink and handed it back.
Bull picked on O'Keefe as we walked over some fallen logs.

"I think that's perfectly fine Joe," I shrugged.

"Hey, Maggie, Lieb, George!" Frank turned glancing at us.

"Yeah?" I looked up.

"This kind of reminds me of Bastogne." He shrugged.

My Heart Is Buried In Venice -Joe LiebgottWhere stories live. Discover now