I wanna drop out {Killua}

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{Killua Pov}

"Ah! Late again i see Killua. Do you at least have a late pass this time hmm?"
I rolled my eyes and sat down. Ms. Krueger is so annoying. She has no clue what I was doing.. I could've been dying on the side of the road and that's why I'm late.
"No, you know I don't care about those" I wasn't lying, I didn't care.
"Well, you're not caring is going to result in a lot of tardies and an eventual lowering of your already sad gpa"
She smiled and turned around. God.. she knows exactly how to get on my nerves. I sat back in my seat and crossed my arms.

Ms. Krueger continued her instructions
"Ok, now everyone please pay attention, we are going to be doing reading journals. I have a box of notebooks at the front of the class. Who wants to volunteer to pass them out?"
Sakura immediately raises her hand
"I will Ms. Krueger!"
Sakura walked to the front of the class and grabbed the box and started passing them out, she was calling everyone by name as she did so..
"Here's yours Daren! And yours Kenaki! And... Gon."
She practically threw the notebook at the poor kid, though I guess she's never liked Gon so it's understandable. She walked over to me.
"And here's yours Killua~ ♡!"
Sakura winked as me as she placed it nicely on my desk. It was light blue, my favorite color. She smiled at me as she walked by and continued passing out the rest.
"Please write your first and last name on the right corner of your notebook and put "reading journal" in the middle"
Ms. Krueger turned back around and wrote an example on the board.
A deep pain punched my shoulder, I looked to my right to see that the deep pain was actually Z's fist. He smiled stupidly "hey Killua look"
He pointed to his notebook to show me he had drawn a penis on it. I put on an unamused look
"Greaaat so creative" He tried to draw one on mine but I slapped his hand away. He laughed like an idiot. He's such a child..
I heard a disturbance in the front of the class so I leaned forward to see what was happening. Daren was teasing that one kid, I forgot his name.
"What? You want it back? Beg then. Go on, beg!"
He had the kids notebook above his head were he couldn't reach.
"I don't wanna.. just please give it back.."
He eventually threw it back onto the kids desk.
"Whatever you little faggot"
It made me wince to hear that word.. I truly loath it.. and I hate it when people call others that.. it's so degrading..
The kid looked down at his notebook with a sad expression, it was pretty upsetting to see someone get bullied by another you call your friend..

"Alright class, I have two book options for this week, you must read one of them. First I have Wonders Of The Heart and then we have Stepping On Butterflies. So raise your hand when I say the one you would like to read."
I really didn't want to read either of them, I planned to say I would read it and then just bull crap it when I had to do my journal.
Ms. Krueger began the voting
"Ok Wonders Of The Heart?" A few people raised their hands "Alright put them down" She scribbled something on her clipboard, probably the number of hands. "Ok now Stepping On Butterflies?" I raised my hand along with 9 others and Ms. Krueger scribbled down this number as well.
"Ok looks like we are gonna need many more copies.."
The next class I have is art with Mr. Morow, he's creepy but at least he's not as annoying as Ms. Krueger.

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