the friend at the top

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Izuku's tangled hair poked out from the edges of his hood, the jacket itself completely engulfing his body. He staggered through the small alley, swaying slightly. A lady bumped into him on her way through. He continued on the narrow passage all the way to the other end. He struggled to get by the moderate crowding. Izuku was on his way out of the familiar backstreets, the place where head the most authority. The mob of people slushed by his ears as he attempted to pass the bustling crowd of convicts and outcasts.

He had been walking for about 40 minutes now, secretly on his weekly commute to his favorite acquaintance. The back streets were shaped like a series of tunnels swiftly leading you thicker into it's maze where one could quickly get lost. The closer one got to the center, it seemed the tighter the fit. In contrast, the outskirts that bordered on the mainstreets were more like deserted alleys.

Hoisting his bag off his back with a grunt, Izuku let it drop to the cold floor of the empty road. The vacancy made the sound of the duffle's zip almost deafening. He quickly pulled his hoodie off and over his head. The jacket caught on his piercings and sent him stumbling back a bit. Quickly regaining his balance, the boy continued. Once he was down to his scruffy tank-tee and boxer shorts, he quickly pulled the bag's contents out. The maroon polo shirt slowly unwrinkled from being previously stuffed into a dirty sack. It was getting small but izuku knew it would work just like all the stealthy times before. He continued putting on his disguise, the polo followed by navy slacks and brown shoes. The outfit looked plain and mismatched. Nevertheless, he quickly slung the now hoodie-filled duffle over his shoulder and continued on his hike.

Izuku was nervous, even though he visited him constantly. His slim fingers were now frantically running though his tangled hair, careful not to make it worse. Thought that line had long since been crossed. That hand quickly made its way to sheltering his eyes as he stepped into the sunlight of the main streets. He was currently in the average housing area. Despite the streets appearing empty, he knew the schedule better than that. He was very much not in an empty street.

Each house was filled with: two functioning adults, a robotic caretaker and a child. Each one was designed to serve a purpose to make a functioning household. The houseworkers were washing up indoors. The labourers were out during the work day, giving the illusion of the quiet street. The Main streets were always the only places with pavement, which Izuku was currently thankful for. He started his walk west, blending in rather well. Except for the fact kids his age should be in school.

"Okay so, the walk is only another little bit now." he whispered under his breath. He knew this walk way too well. He knew he was to walk in silence for the next while, avoiding the keepers.


"Finally made it"

Izuku now stood a few meters away from the gold gate that guarded the higher up area of the community. He was at his destination, now only needing to get in. Avoiding the keepers lined up against the tall fence, Izuku walked around to the east side of it. He knew he would get let in this way, like always. A flawless plan, really. Knocking his fist against the white and shiny door, he waited for a response.

"State your business"

Alright, he now just had to state the code he memorized so long ago.

"Oh of course, I just need to deliver the dog's shoelaces!"

Oh okay, it wasn't really a code, but he was terrible with numbers and anything of the sort.

The door bleeped and was forced open mechanically. He quickly slipped in, making sure to close it behind him. Izuku rested his hands against the inside of the marble door. The pattern present just screamed power and money. His eyeballs twitched down towards his hands, taking a moment to catch his breath . He was now in the clear. He would normally let out the stress by slumping down and curling up right there. But, he knew a bed was waiting for him, so he didn't collapse just yet.

Turning sound , Izuku was welcomed with a lavish yet familiar and comforting foyer. The simple and recognizable dusky smell of the room entered his conscience. The room looked rather circular, with a red rug draping along the middle axis. The gold rimmed mirrors matched the plating of the flower pots. Said pots are filled with pink and yellow tulips and large tropical leaves. Everything that filled the high-class room was definitely worth more than its weight in gold. He strolled down the side of the lush carpet, not wanting to damage it. He wandered across the empty and intimidating room toward the large elevator and crossed the entrance of it's sliding door. He waited for the doors to close behind him while staring at his reflection in the mirror. He still looked so odd in the community's standard fabrics. He quickly pulled the bag open yet again. He felt comfortable enough to get changed into his comfortable apparel that felt much more like him. He pulled the now crinkled hoodie out from his bag and swapped it out for the awkward fitting polo. Turning around, Izuku pressed the "7" button and waited as the lift steadily flew upwards.

"Greetings" the familiar man offered, just as Izuku stepped out of the luxurious lift. His friend always had a touch for the dramatic. Or rather his father did.

"Heya there todoroki, been a while, huh?" his words were frankly slurring together.

"No. you are precisely on time, Midoriya." his voice sounded calm and collected as it bounced off the walls of the short corridor. Izuku was starting to collapse from stress, which the well-dressed man expected.

Todoroki turned around to face izuku, perched frivolously on his amazingly sophisticated chair. Izuku smiled towards his friend as he delicately closed the door to the ritzy room ahead.

"It's an honour to have you here again!" he voiced as his mood suddenly changed to his more usual cheery self. His posh voice was to be strictly used when his dad could hear him greet guests. "Soooo" he continued, drawing out his words as he attempted to tease. "how've you been with the rest of your group?"

"Oh yeah, they've been alright!" he discarded his duffel bag on the bed in the guest room with a plop. " Ochaco fully totaled out yesterday in one of the alleys. During a game of football with the younger kids.'' He sat down on the navy and gold-trimmed loveseat.

" The kids won, in case you were wondering" he tacked on quickly, noticing Shoto's face change while observing zuku's state.

"Is she alright? Sounds painful" he replied, finally resting his gaze on the shorter one's face.

"Yup-" izuku was practically immediately cut off by the other.
" I'm glad. You should really sleep now. You are turning whiter than a ghost"

Izu totally forgot Todo was overly anxious about everything. But he could cut the other some slack on this one, he really was about to fall over.

"Ahhhhh, right! Totally forgot about that dude." he half-heartedly declared, trying to ease the other's concern.

" You better get some rest, I made sure the bed was made to your liking-" he stated, but it sounded more like a question.

Izuku scratched the back of his collar which was now abnormally sweaty. He quickly took Shoto up on that offer though, dropping on the plush mattress. It was quite easy to fall asleep, his whole body filled with exhaustion. But then again, the gentle sound of the majestic boy sitting on the other end of the room humming while he completed a cross stitch was sure to send him off to dreamland. Finally, Izuku was in his safe place. With one of his favorite people, Shoto Todoroki.

Todoroki was fascinating in every sense of the word.
His cheerful and anxiety ridden personality was definitely jaring next to his looks, but was very fitting once you knew him. His father was one of the richest men in the main streets. The man's 8 story tall residence in the locked area of the community was a sight to behold. So with that amazing wealth came the "rational" desire for a perfect heir. After having a chain of lovers that were carefully picked out to his taste, he eventually had one that bore his 4 kids. The youngest being Shoto. After all the other siblings were deemed unfit for his father's level of influence , the entire legacy was put on the young boy's shoulders. He originally had a hatred for his siblings making him have to take their place, but he probably would have done the same in these circumstances. Therefore, he targeted the blame on his prick of a father. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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