1: arrested... again ✔️

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"Justice, like lightning, ever should appear to few men's ruin, but to all men's fear."

That was the first poem my mother made me learn. You see today's world is a lot of things. Cruel, lonely, judgmental, cold... Something it's not though? Fair. Which is probably why I'm exactly where I am now.


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"STARR PARISH." The buzzing sound of the cell opening made me sit up from my leaned over position. I stood up as I high five and fist bumped my group as I made my way out of the cell. One of the fucked up officers who caught us, unlocked the cuffs from around my wrist and gripped my forearm which warranted me to try and jerk it out of his grip but he wouldn't let up.

"Nigga let me go." Finally I was able to snatch my arm out of his grip before rolling my eyes and rubbing my wrists. "Mama?" My mom stood up from her chair as she looked at me with tears in her eyes, walking towards me as she pulled me into her arms. "This is the fifth time this month, Starr Amari." I sighed rolling my eyes as she let me go and walked out of the station, and out to her car.


"Ow! Grammy!" She popped me. This old woman really popped me. "That's for rolling your eyes at your mama lil' girl." And with that Grandma Angie wrapped an arm around my shoulders, walking towards the doors to lead us back out to the car.

"You're not seriously still mad at me are you?" I knew she was pissed off, it was evident and I could tell by the aggressive grip on the steering wheel. "What do you think, Mar?" I sighed, huffing, before picking at my nails. "So what, that whole speech on me never allowing anybody to make me be quiet was just bs?" I pulled my phone out of my pocket, smiling at the videos my friends were sending me. "No! I have no issue with peaceful protesting. But you defaced the memorial of a slain cop— and are you seriously laughing at you committing a crime?! What is wrong with you Starr?"

"Nothing is wrong with me mom. We were literally vocalizing our right to protest, something you should be encouraging, not reprimanding me for. We were given the first amendment for a reason and we are damn sure gonna— "Girl you better watch your mouth, the hell wrong with you?" Granny Angie never cursed so maybe I should change my tone.

"Look, I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself and your friends, but you forming a group to attack and agitate the police, isn't going to do anything but put a bigger target on your back. It is dangerous." My mother scolded and I rolled my eyes as my phone decided to die. "We didn't agitate the police! That's what I've been trying to tell you. We protested they brought out K-9's, teargas and rubber bullets. We didn't get disrespectful until they had someone paint over the mural we all painted in Devonte's honor." I snapped back. "That makes it okay for you to take a bat to a statue? Or-or help tip over police cars, or grab deployed teargas canisters and toss them back? Oooh or how about you being videotape catching a fucking grenade and throwing it back?!" I groaned, clearly her and the point aren't very good friends. "You're being ridiculous. It was a sting grenade, no one died."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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