The Zodiac signs at a sleepover

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In this story, there will be two separate sleepovers. All of the female signs are at Libra’s house, and all of the male signs are at Aries’ house.

“Done!” Libra says, finally finished with decorating for her sleepover.

At once, the doorbell starts ringing like crazy. Sagittarius arrives, energetic as usual.

“Tonight is going to be awesome!” she gushes.

Libra is about to agree when someone knocks; Pisces and Virgo have arrived. Libra looks at her watch and notices that it is two minutes before five o'clock.

“Hey, all of you guys are here early!” she says, confused.

“There haven’t been a lot of parties recently,” explains Virgo, “We are all excited for this one!”

“Wait, didn’t we just have a beach party and a surprise party for Leo like two weeks ago?” asks Pisces.

“That’s two weeks too many!” laughs Sagittarius. The rest agree.

Libra directs her guests to the basement to put their things away.

Meanwhile, Gemini and Cancer get there. They, unlike the others, are a few minutes late because on the way they ran into Aquarius and Taurus making their way over to Aries’ house for their sleepover.

When Libra answers the door, the two are discussing the probability of two sleepovers being scheduled on the same night (and discussing ways to crash the other party). One look at Libra’s confused face, Gemini explains. They all look at each other. Tonight is definitely going to be interesting.

At the guys’ party…

“Guess what ?” Taurus asks.

“The girls are having a sleepover, too!” replies Aquarius.

“What should we do?“ Scorpio says (obviously, ignoring the other party and having fun on their own is not an option).

“First,“ Aries announces, “we play Xbox. Then, we eat nachos and plan something. A prank, maybe?“

The others cheer and gather by the TV. Whatever mischief they plan on causing, the girls will never expect it.

*Girls’ Party*

“The guys are sure to be planning something, now that we know we are also sleeping over here.“ Virgo says. When Gemini, Cancer, and Libra got downstairs, they told everyone everything.

“Which means, we have to do something first!“ Sagittarius exclaims.

“The best time for pranking is after dark,“ Pisces says, thoughtfully, “and I bet they will wait until then, too.“

“It’s summer, it won’t be truly dark until about ten!“ Cancer states.

“Great, we’ll have time to do other stuff first.“ Libra says, excitedly. She doesn’t want any of that cool temporary hair dye to go to waste, after all.

It turns out that Libra has a lot of things she wants to do. First up is makeovers.
Virgo looks anxiously at Libra’s neon hair dye, and pairs up with Cancer, who hopefully will give her a  more...mild look.

Sagittarius and Gemini become partners, looking excitedly at all of the products.

“If I don’t come out of this party with a new hair color, this whole makeover is a waste.” Sagittarius says, looking for bottles labeled “extreme.“ Gemini laughs and high fives her.

Pisces and Libra look at each other, each of them happy to see each other. Pisces is a good artist, thinks Libra, as Pisces thinks, Libra is a master at this kind of a thing.
*Guys’ party*

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