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Vampire AU

"So, the reporter who is doing our exclusive interview about us being vampires will be coming today," Namjoon announces to the members.

He adjust the collar of his shirt, a navy button down he insists still fits. With all the time their leader has been putting into the gym lately, Jungkook has been having serious doubts about that.

They are all draped across the lounge area in various states of dress. Jungkook is curled up in a huge black hoodie comfortably, tucked into a corner of the sofa. Taehyung and Jimin lie across the rug, Jimin's head on Taehyung's stomach. He's licking the final drops of blood from a wine glass as he gazes lazily up at their leader. Seokjin is perched on the arm of the sofa dressed in smooth silk pyjamas, leaning against Hoseok, who is dressed impeccably today in a white suit and is painting his nails, as they are listen to Namjoon talk.

Everyone is present save Yoongi, who has been in a deep sleep since two days ago, since working nonstop in the studio every spare moment he's had for weeks. He usually wakes up the most easily of all of the members, rising the earliest and staying up the latest. But when he goes into hibernation after putting in all day and all night into the studio, it's like trying to raise the dead. Literally. Angry, hissing dead.

"I forgot about that interview," Seokjin remarks, as the members sit up, taking in the state of their dorm.

"Shit, me too." Hoseok's brow furrows, and he re-caps the bottle of polish. They glance around the room, sink with bloodied wine glasses piled to the ceiling (blood ethically acquired, of course) There are claw marks on the ceiling fan, from yesterday when an exhausted Jungkook had turned into a bat and fallen asleep hanging from it, refusing to let go even when coaxed. Jimin and Taehyung had been play fighting last night and knocked over their large shoe cabinet, and nobody had finished cleaning up the enormous and varied collection of shoes (some of them as vintage as Seokjin) before they grew drowsy with the dawn. Dusty cobwebs dangle from the corners of the room, Jungkook swears he sees a spider, and several of its friends, making their way across the TV cabinet, before disappearing behind it.

Today was their first day properly at home in ages, and the state of the dorm was truly tragic.

"I knew we should've looked for a new cleaner," Jimin groans. Nobody looks at Namjoon, pointedly.

He knows it anyway. He groans himself, running a hand over his face. "I'm sorry, guys, I know, I've made sure to drink regularly since then."

Seokjn waves a hand. "It's okay Joon-ah. We know you weren't gonna eat her. You just get scary when you don't take care of yourself," he states, pointing a finger severely in Namjoon's direction, managing to defend and scold in the same breath. One of Jin's many rare and beautiful talents.

"I also don't think it helped when she found Jungkookie sleeping in the pantry," Taehyung remarks, eyes dancing.

Jungkook's hackles raise. "You said you wouldn't tell," he says, indignantly.

"Sorry," the other vampire replies, looking delightfully unrepentant.

Seokjin dismisses the outburst. "We all knew about that too, anyway. When you hear the sound of the kitchen cupboard opening, followed by an ear-piercing scream, it's pretty easy to tell what's happened. Jungkookie is the only one who falls asleep there."

"At least it's not Tae who does that," Hoseok comments. There is a moment of silent agreement from all the members, and even Taehyung nods, smiling.

"Hyung, you know the exact sound the kitchen cupboard makes?" Jimin asks Seokjin, with interest.

"Of course I fucking do. Who do you think is the one who always has to drag Jungkook out of there?" Seokjin replies, getting to his feet.

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