I wish

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Major character death

12:57 am
taehyung stepped off his friend's porch, making his way back home through the dimly lit streets of seoul. he cursed to himself as he could feel sadness taking over him again. it's been two months since jungkook moved to new york city to pursue his music career and it hasn't gotten any easier. sure, they were never actually together, but they both knew where their hearts were. everyone saw that they belonged together, even when neither of them noticed. three years of yearning, of shy glances, of soft and heartwarming moments all put to a stop the day jungkook announced he would be leaving to america. taehyung was happy for him, of course he was! but he couldn't help but feel...upset? angry? confused? he remembers that day, almost three months ago as if it were yesterday. he remembers their last hug in the airport. the way jungkook's eyes were soft and teary. the way neither of them could look back to see the other leave. he remembers it all so, so vividly. after that day, taehyung cried every night for weeks. there were days where he wouldn't get out of bed, days spent reminiscing. it wasn't until jimin pointed it out to him that taehyung realized: he (taehyung) was in love with kook. for three years, taehyung was in love with jungkook and didn't even realize till after kook had left. he prayed every night that jungkook felt the same as he did, even if they can't act on it at the moment. did he tell kook...no.. but some things are better left unsaid, you know?

taehyung reached into his pocket and grabbed the key to his door. he walked into his house and looked at the time: 1:24 am.

"koo should be up by now, right?"


12:24 pm

jungkook spent all last night practicing and rehearsing for his debut album, which was less than a week away. he was so excited for this release. he got to work with amazing producers, and got to write some songs for the album as well. looking out his window, he could see the busy streets of the unfamiliar city he was in. in a way, new york city was similar to seoul. the busy streets, the skyscrapers. it reminded him of the life had left behind. his mind went straight to taehyung, his best friend. he hasn't seen the elder in around two months, and he dreaded it every day. he even put it into his work, there's a song on the album he wrote about his feelings for taehyung. he still hasn't told him, in fact he hasn't talked to him in a few days thanks to time zones. kook picked up his phone from his nightstand and looked at the time: 12:24 pm. he opened his phone and went straight to messaging, looking for tae's contact.

"hey, i know you're probably asleep by now but i wanted to tell you that i miss you and that i hope you're doing well <3."

jungkook wasn't expecting a reply right away, so it surprised him to see that taehyung was typing.

"i miss you koo :( how are u?"


1:13 pm
the two have been catching up for almost an hour, smiling and giggling behind the screens. it hadn't really hit jungkook how much he missed taehyung until now. he felt his eyes well up with warm tears as he clicked on taehyung's profile picture, which was a selfie they took together by the han river in seoul. it's his favorite picture of them because they both look genuinely happy. jungkook was always happy when he was with taehyung, his heart belonged to the elder. he regrets never letting taehyung know how he really feels for him.

"hmm.." kook bit his lip in thought. "what if i.."

"hey tae?"
"there's a song on my album that i wrote myself,,,, could you take a listen to it? it's a really important song to me."

1 attached audio file

"of course koo! let me listen to it"


2:27 am
taehyung clicked on the file so fast, he always loved hearing jungkook sing. he didn't realize what jungkook was singing about until the chorus came in.

"right now. i wish you were here with me.
cause right now, everything is new to me.
you know, i can't fight the feeling, 
and every night i feel it.
right now, i wish you were here with me."

taehyung didn't realize he was crying until the song was over. the song explained every single thing taehyung felt about his situation with jungkook so perfectly, almost like jungkook were feeling it too.

"almost like.. he's feeling it too."

it finally hit taehyung.


"hey koo?"
"i wish you were here too. so much."

Taehyung smiled at the grave

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