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Major character death

I want to cry

Because Seokjinnie did die

I can't bring myself to do it though

I just can't let others see the tears flow

I try hard to be strong

I've prided myself on my strength for so long

But now I have a hole I need to fill

And I don't know how I ever will

I put on a brave front for others

Fooling everyone and their mothers

I don't know how much more my mask can take

Everyday I feel it ready to break

I feel the tears well up inside

Because with him a part of me died

He was my best friend

And when I try to replace him, I reach a dead end

Just when I want to give up all my hope

I see him shaking his head and saying nope

He tells me to be strong

And that he's been with me all along

I know I'll see him when I die

That gives me the strength not to cry

I still have a while until God says the time is right

But I'm sure he'll be there, in the light

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