Walking out of insanity.

23 1 0

Age: 6

The closed laptop, its hum and its light was trying to remind her that it was still alive, and that was also restless of its sleep. She sat on her chair, which no longer cared for the bright red roses on the pure white background it used to have. She sat by the clean table that still tried it’s best to look as good as the cherry tree it once was. Her eyes were ignoring the drawings on her white walls.

She was whispering simple words to herself. She didn’t know much. She didn’t know why the red rose petals had turned to the rotten colour on the fabric of the spinning chair, or why the table tried so hard to support everything. It was just like the girls she knew, trying to be as good as the celebrities. The fame was another thing she did not know so well.

She scratched another star in the magic black paper. She scraped off the black skin with her blunt pencil to colour the star half green and half blue. Underneath the black there was the boring rainbow pattern, but she created a delicate masterpiece of the simple thing. Black dust began to surround her, as it lay on the thick layer of torn paper on the table. Corners of photos, which didn’t show much besides unwanted feet and the bricks of her school, showed like peaks of rocks in the paper snow.

She leaned on her scrap book, which had the photos, which were missing its corners, which were stuck to its pages, which were drying with the mysterious and cheap glue that she had bought yesterday.

She had a witch’s hat on top of her lamp.

She gave up with the scissors; it was why her photos were now bordered with torn paper. The two pairs  lay on the opposite halves of the floor. ‘One maybe next to the humming laptop’ she thought. Then she flinched when she heard footsteps.

Her mother’s voice came, but faded as it entered her own room. She only was shouting to father downstairs, whom, you could hear, had walked out the back door without a reply.

Hailey let out a breath of irritancy. She moaned at her own paranoia. The list of complaints  that her mother made in the past echoed in her mind. She hated her repetitions.

Hailey picked up the scissors and put them in her box on her high shelf, above her table, with their eight brothers, who were with their eight wives. They all woke up, as the evening light, from her wide window, leaked into the box and made their colourful coats glisten.

She whispered to the small black ones. She noticed the blades apart. She took them out alone, so the others wouldn’t hear, and quietly advised the two blades to get marriage counselling. They were silent, but she was too used to it to notice. The purple and the wooden kitchen scissors, the two that she had put back, looked at her confused. They began asking what she wanted with those black ones.

The invisible voices vanished as she closed the box. The box was congratulating her. She was happy with her ten. That was another thing that was perculiar about her. She liked ten of everything.

Now she looked at the papers. Soon their voices filled her head. The scattered pencils and the silver lamp’s loud booming voice called out too, to tell them to be quiet. The drawings posing were still and hoping not to get found out. The empty glue sticks were boasting and planning dares with each other. The calculator began to wonder in his mind, and the left over photos were waiting in their small pile.

She stood up on her small feet in her brother’s missing socks; she stretched her small arms and only ignored the words that the inanimate objects around her were saying. The sounds off their missing mouths and the voices off their imaginary tongues went through those ears, which no one else had. As she walked past her humming laptop, across the dirty carpet and under the guardian frame of the door, she turned the voices off, like flicking the switch for the plug of the radio.

She walked out into reality.

Author's note:

Hailey talks to objects and objects talk to her. She gives them personality and treats them like they are human, gives them a back story and all. It's quite long, and maybe a dreary start to the story... I'm sorry. If you want, you can stop here but please tell me what you think. This part has been the difficult part of the story and it's the part I'm worried about so please. <3

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