8. Dirty Old Compass

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"You couldn't have filled them up before you came?" Lei shakes her head at John B.

Kie had just finished going through the oxygen tanks said boy had stolen off of Ward Camerons boat, and had just announced all but one were completely empty.

John B puts his hands up in defence "I didn't look at them when I took them."

Lei sighs, of course he wouldn't look.

"Love it when a plan comes together." Pope says sarcastically.

"Does anyone know how to dive?" Kie asks.

Lei shook her head as JJ says "It's kind of a kook sport."

Lei stands from her spot beside John B and makes her way over to Pope who tells the group "I...read about it."

"Great." Lei throws her hands in the air.

Kie speaks her reluctance by saying. "Pope read about it, so someone's gonna die."

Despite her agreement, Lie finds herself saying "Relax, Kie. I'm sure us idiot's will figure it out." There's a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

All eyes turn to JJ "Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?"

"Yep, I take it back." Lei leans against Pope's chair. "Kie, you're right, someone's gonna die."

Kie throws a hand in Lei's direction as if to thank her. Pope then explains, "Well, if you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and you get the bends."

Of course, with JJ everything is dirty. He bends his upper-half forwards while saying "Bends like, bend over and-"

"The bends kill you." Pope cuts him off. JJ lets out a "Right." and straightens himself back up.

After a second of silence John B speaks up, telling the group, "I can...I can dive."

"You can dive, i'm cool with that." JJ says, which causes Lei to lean over Pope and smack JJ's arm. He shouldn't be encouraging this.

Kie seems to be thinking the same thing as Lie because she looks at John B with disbelief. "Since when can you dive?"

John B doesn't answer and instead says "I'll do it. It's fine."

"It's fine, he says." Lei mocks, "It's fine that i'll go down there and die."

Pope takes his feet off the wheel and talks about doing calculations. While he does, John B stands up while saying. "Come on Lei, you're all about the adventure."

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