Okay, not as many of my ideas in that last part but I have two hours here, let's see what I can do, lol. Enjoy!
I lounged on the couch, leaning on Edward whom just walked in from carrying Renesmee's cake. I looked up to find his eyes looking down at me lovingly. I smiled and if I were human I would have blushed. While thinking this I let uup my sheild and he nodded while smiling. I heard the front door open and close and a few seconds later Jacob and Renesmee walked in, Renesmee on the verge of tears. "What's wrong, baby?" I asked her motioning her to sit next to me. "Chloe's missing! We can't find here anywhere and she was there when it started." Renesmee replied coming to sob in my arms. "Don't worry, baby. We'll all go find her. Stay here with Alice, inform her that we'll be back later." I told her, stroking her hair. She nodded and said "Okay momma." She sniffled and got up and walked into Jake's arms. They walked out hand-in-hand. Everyone got up and ran out to the woods. I inhaled a deep breath of air then caught an unfamiliar vampire scent. "This way." I said pointing north-west. We started running and stopped at a clearing. There sat Chloe, tied up to a tree. Emmett started walking but a male with lightning blue eyes and dark brown hair jumped in front of him. Edward was staring at the guy blankly, reading his thoughts. "It's Chloe's brother and yes he's vampire." Edward said. We gasped and Emmett lunged. The stranger side-stepped just in time to get out of the way. Then everything broke out into chaos. Emmett, Edward, and Carlisle lunged and attacked at him as Jasper made him feel dizzy. In case the stranger had mental powers I flashed out my shield, protecting my family. Esme actually stayed home, probably not wanting to fight. 'What's his name?' I thought to Edward. "Mark." he whispered while lunging again. Mark jumped into a tree then dropped down in front of Chloe and pulled out a knife. He jabbed it above the stomach, then guided it downward. Blood oozed out of the gash and Chloe gasped and screamed in pain. Emmett got hold of Mark's head, Edward got his arms, and Carlisle grabbed his feet to prevent him from kicking. I grabbed a lighter out of my pocket and Emmett snapped Mark's neck and his head was disconnected from his body. They dropped him on the forest floor and I lit the lighter and threw it on him. I let my shield down and ran to where everyone was, by Chloe. "She's losing too much blood. More than Bella lost when James existed." Carlisle said. Edward nodded and Carlisle lowered his head down to Chloe's neck. Before biting he whispered "I'm sorry Chloe."
"I'm sorry Chloe." I heard Carlisle say then I felt teeth piercing my neck. It started burning, like an unbearable fire. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I made little noises and moved around. I looked around as faces started to blur. I lost vision completely and I saw nothing but black. I was aware that someone was carrying me. I was layed down on a bed. The fire started spreading. It felt as if it were slowly dripping into my veins. The fire worked it's way down my arms, to my fingers and then it continued by my stomach. It went to my legs, feet, and toes. My head was aching and the fire went there too. As I inhaled one last breath, the fire starting working my heart. And I shut down. I stopped breathing, and my heart stopped beating. I opened my eyes. I sat up and looked around. I saw Edward, Bella, Renesmee, Jacob, Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Emmett all surrounding me. Everyone's mouth was open, their jaw dropped. "What?" I said in a song-like voice. " Everyone else took about two or three days to change. But you change in -he looked at his watch- six minutes!" Carlisle exclaimed. I gasped. "Sorry I ruined your birthday, Renesmee." I said and hung my head. "It wasn't your fault. It was your brother." Renesmee said running over to hug me. Her scent engulfed me and it was stronger than usual. "Vampiric traits." Edward said answering my thoughts. I nodded. "I'm really thirsty." I said rubbing my throat. "Come, let's hunt. We haven't hunted in a few days so now would be a good time." Carlisle said. Carlisle, Edward, Bella, Esme, Renesmee, Jacob and I were to go hunting. Jacob walked behind a tree and it looked like he was taking off his shorts. He tied it to his leg and then a giant wolf appeared. "Woah! Wolves too!" I exclaimed and everyone laughed, even the big coppery-red wolf. We ran out to the woods and I smelt something. I looked around and saw a pack of bears, about eight of them. I took down two and drank there blood. I saw a human hiking, but it didn't smell good. I shrugged. I guess animal is better. I thought and Edward gasped. "What?" Carlisle said. There was a human hiker, and Chloe thought he didn't smell appealing." Edward answered for Carlisle. We ran back to house and the party was over. "Where did everyone go?" I asked to no one in particularly. "It ended at like nine forty, nine forty-five. People just, left." Renesmee answered. "Oh," I said. We walked into the house and sat down. As Emmett flipped through channels, I heard the doorbell ring. "Just a minute!" Alice squeeled with a huge smile on her face.
"Just a minute!" Alice squeeled as she ran to the door. "Edward, cover Renesmee's eyes. It's a suprise." Alice said then giggled. "Oh God." my father whispered and everyone laughed. He covered my eyes and I was vision-less. I heard the door close and then footsteps walking in. "Okay, open!" Alice said, excitement thick in her voice. I opened my eyes and screamed out of happiness. "Kachiri, Senna, Zafrina!" I cried out running to hug each one of them. "Nice to see you too young one." Zafrina replied with a big smile. "How long are you staying?" I asked them, grinning. "A week." Senna replied. I squeeled in happiness. "I'm not going to school this week! Tell them I went on a camping trip to Washington or something!" I said happily.
The rest of the week went by blissfully and everyone was happy.