Breaking Day

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Told you the last part would be interesting!!! Anyways, comment, vote and fan!!! Enjoy..



                                           CHLOE ZEELY

I sat on a sofa in Renesmee's huge room. I heard someone run up the stairs and Renesmee walked in. "Sorry. Edward needed something. Everyone else was busy." Renesmee said sitting next to me. "Oh it's fine." I said back shyly. "Well. Wanna come meet the rest of my family?" Renesmee asked me, smiling. "Sure." I said smiling back. Renesmee took my hand and towed me down the stairs, into the kitchen. "Esme where's Carlisle?" Renesmee asked. "I think he wet grocery shopping. And Edward, Bella, Alice and Jasper are in the living room. As for Rose and Emmett, they're upstairs probably doing homework in the computer room." Esme said as Renesmee nodded. "This is Esme, my adoptive mother." Renesmee said smiling while glancing quickly at Esme. I smiled and nodded at Esme. "I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you Esme." I said reaching my hand out. "It's nice to meet you. Sorry, my hands are all dirty from cooking. Would you like anything to eat by the way?" Esme said as I placed my hand back by my side. "Sure. That sounds great." I said hesitantly."Okay. Just come back to the kitchen after you meet everyone." Esme said smiling. Renesmee took my hand and brought me to the living room. "Everyone, this is Chloe." Renesmee said motioning me to walk forward. "Hi," I said taking a hesitant step. "This is Edward and Bella." Renesmee said pointing to a totally cute teenage guy and a beautiful teenage girl leaning on him. "And this is Alice and Jasper." Renesmee said pointing to a short, pixie-like girl with really dark brown hair and a blonde haired guy reading a book. I nodded to them all as Renesmee took my hand once again and brought me up to the second floor and down a long hallway into a room of computers. "Rosalie? Emmett?" Renesmee said looking around. "Over here." someone said, raising a hand. Renesmee brought me there and said "And this is Rose and Emmett." she said smiling. I nodded at the big, muscly dark haired guy and the beyond beautiful blonde girl, Rosalie. Renesmee then brought me up to the third floor and into a red room and a matching bed and couch. She walked to the bed and shook a sleeping figure. "Jake? Jake wake up sleepy head." Renesmee said shaking the boy. "What, Nessie?" he said sitting up, wiping his eyes. "I want to intoduce you to my new friend." Renesmee said walking to his closet then throwing him a shirt. "This is Jacob." Renesmee said sitting on his bed. "Hi, nice to meet you." I said stretching my long arm out. He shook it and said "Nice to meet you..." he trailed off. "Chloe." I finished for him. He nodded and hugged Renesmee. I stared blankly at a wall as they whispered among themselves. I wonder how they can all not be related and have the same eye color, except Renesmee and Jacob. I thought about the movies I watched last weekend while my dad was gone. Maybe they're vampires?

                            EDWARD CULLEN

I gasped at Chloe's thought. "Renesmee!" I yelled from the couch, waiting for my daughter to run down the stairs. "Now what?" she asked. "Come here," I said motioning to her. "She was thinking about some movies she watched and about how we're not related but our eyes are the same color. She's wondering if we're vampires." I whispered to her. Everyone in the house gasped, except Jacob and Chloe. Alice was staring blankly at the opposite wall. I read her mind, watching the vision too. Chloe was on the floor, staggering and... flopping I guess you could call it. There was a bite mark on her wrist. Great. So we have to change another person too for some reason. The vision stopped, and Alice looked at me. I squeezed the bridge of my nose and shook my head. "What happened?" Renesmee asked me. "Chloe will be turned for some reason." I whispered as she gasped.

                       CHLOE ZEELY

I pondered over the idea and decided that's most likely the fact. Renesmee walked back in and took my hand once again. She took me back to her room. "I have a question." I said as she closed the door and I sat down on her sofa. "What?" she asked sitting next to me. "Are... Are you and your family... I don't know... different from other people?" I asked, feeling like an idiot. "Yes." she said sighing. "Are you and your family... Vampires?" I asked looking at my hands. "Yes." she said trying to look at my face. "Why are you so calm about it?" she asked me. "I, I don't know. I guess I'm used to suprises. When I was five, my mom left me, my brother, and my dad. My brother was twenty, and he just got engaged, so he moved. When I was ten, my dad started abusing me." I said to her looking up as a tear ran down my face. "I know your father abuses you. My dad's a mind reader." Renesmee said. "Carlisle reads minds?" I asked looking at her. "No, my dad is Edward. You know how we're vampires? Well, Bella is my mom. My mom met my dad when they were in high school, and after they graduated they got married. On the honeymoon, my mom got pregnant with me while she was human. I nearly killed her. My dad had to turn her because of me. He didn't want her to be a vampire. But she wanted it, so she was okay with being one. So, I'm half human half vampire. I stop aging this Saturday. My sixth birthday." Renesmee said. A tear dropped from her eye when she said she had almost killed Bella. I hugged and said it was okay. "But, how is it your sixth birthday?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "Because I grow at an extreme rate. By the time I was a month old I looked about two and I was as smart as a college student. So, Saturday is my sixth birthday, but I'm going to say it's my sixteenth birthday." Renesmee said smiling at me. "Oh." I said nodding.

                                RENESMEE CULLEN

I finished telling Chloe about my family and then asked "Can I take a look at your marks from your dad?" she nodded and took off her leather jacket and lifted up her shirt. Her arms and stomach were covered in bruises. I couldn't see one patch of skin. All I could see visible was black, purple, and blue. The only exceptions were her hands, neck and face. I gasped and said "Carlisle." Carlisle was in the room in less than two seconds. "Yes Renes-" he stopped mid-setence to gasp. "who did this to you?!" he questioned Chloe. "My dad. My mom left when I was five and my brother moved out." she said looked down. Carlisle took her to his office, with me closely following behind. He bandaged a big gash on her arm and told her to be careful with the bruises. "Now, we can call the police to take your dad to jail." I said grabbing my cell phone. I dialed 911 and asked for the police. I told them my address and about Chloe's dad abusing her and hung up when they said they were on the way. They police arrived in ten minutes and Chloe told them which way her house was. We arrived at a small, trailer like building and knocked on the door. A man with blonde hair and a scraggly beard with a bottle of beer in his hand opened the door. "What the heck?" he said then glared a deathly glare at Chloe. Chloe shrunk back and looked down. "Mr.Zeely you are being arrested for abuse. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can or will be used against you in court. You have two days to call an attorney if you do not have one we will assign you one," one of the cops said while another cop put hands cuffs around the man's wrists. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS CHLOE LEE ZEELY! I'LL KILL YOU!" Chloe's father said glaring at Chloe once again. "That will be used against you in court." one of the officers said, writing it on a note pad.

A week later we were informed that Chloe's dad was sentenced to prison for life, in case he really did try to kill Chloe. My mom and dad adopted Chloe and today we're going to tell her. "Chloe, my parents decided to adopt you!" I said to her smiling widely. She grinned and I said "But like I have to, at school you have to say Esme and Carlisle are your adopted parents. And you can call my mom and dad Bella and Edward or mom and dad. Whatever you feel most comfortable with. And, Alice is going to knock down a wall and connect our rooms!" I squeeled happily. She jumped up and down and I joined her. As if on cue Alice skipped into my room and said "Okay, time to knock out the wall. What color would you like your room to be, Chloe?" Chloe thought it over and said "How about green? Then Renesmee's room and mine will kind of match. Like the ocean." she said smiling. "That's a great idea," Alice said grinning. "Okay, you two can go to the hang out house and hang out while I knock out the wall." Alice said. "Okay," I said walking Chloe downstairs and outside across the lawn. We entered the hang out and I showed her all the rooms and I found a two people bedroom Alice added. The walls were white as where the beds. We sat down and flipped threw the TV channels and found a re-run of American Idol. We laughed as we watched the 'bikini girl' episode. Somewhere between American Idol and the News, Chloe fell asleep so I lifted her up and covered her with the big comforter. I got in the other bed and lay down and covered up. I watched the sun set out the window and then drifted off into another one of my sweet dreams of Jacob.

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