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I was hugging him so tightly as if I don't wanna leave him for the rest of my life, and.....I finally admit it, Yes I do.

It so lovable until jungkook started caressing my waist with his hand. The feeling increased, I felt butterflies. I felt amazing.

I felt so amazing that without caring of tv I slept in his arms only.


I was watching tv when I saw y/n fell asleep hugging me. I smiled seeing her and lowered down volume of tv. She looks so cute sleeping.

Even though I was cold at first, I didn't want to trust anyone but having her in my arms, made me do it. And I agree, from now on she is my everything.

Her eyes are as if she hold my universe, her laugh is music to my ear and even though I compliment her every damn second of my life, That's less.

I planted a kiss on her forehead and then covered us with blanket. Since I don't want to disturb her as she already had cramps

I decided to sleep with her here only. Because I know she loves cuddling. Even though I can read mind, I always wait for her reply

Because that make me feel happy, seeing her all shy and blushing to confess or say something.



I woke up and saw the position I was in made me smile. I was on top of jungkook while he had his hand on my back and was sleeping peacefully..

I am so happy right now, I feel we have been dating for months now. Even though it's been just weeks. As I removed a little strand of his hair

That was blocking my way from seeing his handsome face, he hummed. Them he opened his eyes adjusting to light and then looked at me smiling

 Them he opened his eyes adjusting to light and then looked at me smiling

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"Good morning" he said and I smiled and replied. "Good morning". I was going to get up when in a sudden he sat straight which made me sit on his lap.

"Woah!" I said and held his broad biceps. He giggled and I said "let me go now" I said getting up and stumbling.

"Oh! Take care" he said and I nodded while giggling and went to get ready since I have to go office today I can't avoid office due to period is it?

After getting ready jungkook dropped me office as usual and I went straight to Jimin's cabin. "Good morning Jimin" I said bowing

"Oh good morning y/n" he said and I started to say "about yesterday i-" he cut me off and said "I know I know, jungkook already informed me you were on your periods and had cramps , don't take tension and also don't be stressed"

I smiled at his sweet nature and nodded. Then I started doing my work and I didn't knew it was lunch time until Jimin knocked and entered my cabin.

"Oh Jimin" "it's lunch time so I decided to have it with you can I?" I immediately closed my work and said "why not Jimin?"

He sat in front of me and said "is jungkook being a little Caring now?" I nodded and said "at first he didn't even pay attention to my talks but now he compliments me on small things, take care and even cuddled with me"

"Oh really?!" I nodded. "You're definitely something y/n, I know jungkook well. He doesn't even like physical contact, cuddling?! Wow!"

I giggled at his statement. Then he said something that made a little worried. "You don't need to come office for 2 week"

"What?! Why Jimin? Did I do some mistakes or-" he started laughing and said "no no this isn't it. It's your marriage in two days so I want you to spend some time with jungkook"

"But -" he shook his head and said "y/n think nicely. Even though this all is forced, try to mix with him as if it is loved?"

I thought for a moment and said "yes that's somewhat right. I'll try my best!" He nodded and said "that's the spirit!"

We both laughed and had our lunch thn after that as usual jungkook picked me form work and we had our dinner together.

We were on couch cuddling when a video call came from mom. I picked it up and kept the phone on table setting it in a view so that we both are visible.

As I picked up the call she looked a us and said "oh mo! You both look so cute together" we giggled and she smiled.

"I don't want to disturb your 'lovey dovey' moment but I want to inform you that y/n be ready tommorow. We'll go to parlour together also call your sister"

"Oh okay mom I'll do that" I said and she smiled and said "okay then I'll keep it" we smiled and she declined the call.

"So you'll become all pretty tommorow?" Jungkook said and I made a mad face and said "so am I not pretty now?"

"No no i-" I pushed him and got up "I got what you mean Mr. Jeon, I'll go to sleep now" I said and walked to my room.

I can hear him sighing but I don't care. He doesn't find me pretty is it? Yes he would have seen more pretty girls than me isn't it?

I laughed sarcastically and then went to sleep.

Next morning I got up and took a bath since I have to go to parlour with mom and sis. I already informed her yesterday night.

After getting dressed I got it and started drying my hair when door opened. "Good morning y/n" I turned my face to othe side.

"Are you still Angry?" He asked but I didn't replied but what he did next made me instantly happy. He came near me and bach hugged me

"I am so sorry, carrot"

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