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"What?!" I exclaimed and ran to check. And yes he was true, it was red

I exclaimed not knowing how? But then I remembered yes, I am turning to a vamipre

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I exclaimed not knowing how? But then I remembered yes, I am turning to a vamipre. I walked out of bathroom

But was hit by a wave of weakness. It was so strong, I fell on my knees, I held my tummy so it doesn't get hurts.
Jungkook suddenly came

Running in the room and held me. "I-i want water" I said and he helped me get up and said "no y/n, you need blood right now"

He helped me sit on couch and brought a glass. "Drink it" he said and as soon as I saw it my eyes glommed.
It had the same smell I was craving for last days

I immediately took it and drank it. I felt a relief take over my body "you feel okay now?" He said and I nodded my head.

"Thank god. I was so scared" I smiled and then he caressed my tummy. "I hope both babies are fine there" I nodded.


my pregnancy is going too fast, it has been almost 7 months now and I already look like I will go into labour tommorow only.

I just woke up from my sleep and saw jungkook smiling looking at me

"Good morning love" "good morning kookie" I said and helped me sit straight

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"Good morning love" "good morning kookie" I said and helped me sit straight. "How do you feel?" He asked, as his usual routine

"Weak, as usual" he sighed and nodded. "Well, have shower we'll eat then" I nodded and before going in he again reminded

"Don't slip! Carefull!!" I giggled and nodded and after taking a bath I got ready. And walked out in room and sat on the bed, Jungkook came and said

"y/n, grandma and mom has come" "oh really? Let's go" he held my hand and waist and walked to the hall. After that I walked and sat on chair

"Good morning y/n" "good morning mom and ma" I said and they smiled

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"Good morning y/n" "good morning mom and ma" I said and they smiled. "Well why this early morning?" I asked.

They both sighed and said "y/n we need you to listen to us carefully now" I nodded worried what are they GONNA say.

"You are pregnant for 7 months, and we know you are going weak, so weak that you aren't Able to stand also now" I nodded

"The delivery is gonna be difficult, and you need to drink a mug of blood every day now, you are carrying two vampire so they need blood to grow too, or else they'll consume yours and you'll be more weak"

I nodded with a sigh. Jungkook kept a hand on my shoulder and said "don't worry I am here with you" I smiled at him.

"So it would be better if we stay with you both for some days till delivery" "we have no problem" jungkook said smiling

I also nodded. And everyone helped me as much as they can. I was sitting in bedroom and Jungkook came and sat near me.

He kissed the belly and then me. But I didn't let him break it. "j-jungkook" I said while taking a deep breath. And he nodded

"I can't control my hormones, I want you" I said holding his hand. " But y/n you are pregnant!" I nodded and he said "wait for a sec"

He came back after a minute and said "fine... I'll help you, but not too much hmm, I asked mum and she said not harsh but light"

I nodded and yes he did helped me which made me relieved. Everyday, when I would wake up from my sleep, jungkook would help me sit

Then mum helped me take a bath and get ready then I would eat breakfast with everyone, then ma would make me sit

In balcony, because of sunlight and would give me a mug of blood to drink. Then lunch, again a mug then tv and dinner.....

They all don't even care, if I walk naked in house just with undergarments cause they all know my condition is not good

And also I can't Rome much so I sit all day. As I got up from sleep I walked to mirror

It has grown so much, I stood there and Jungkook back hugged me and said "you shouldn't stand much, sit" he made me sit

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It has grown so much, I stood there and Jungkook back hugged me and said "you shouldn't stand much, sit" he made me sit

I smiled when he knelt and kissed my tummy and he got so happy, when the baby kicked showing that he does know how to communicate but in his own language.....

"Ahh!" I groaned when I felt a sharp pain in my breast. "Are you alright?!" Jungkook asked worried. "C-call mum!"

He immediately called her and she came running. "What happened y/n you feel something?" I replied her "my b-breast hurts!"

She smiled and said "it's normal sweetheart. Every women's does when they are pregnant, just massage it a little"

"Jungkook get out!" Ma said entering. "Why! I have already see-" he was cut off by death glare my mum and ma. "Woah! Okay okay I'll leave"

I giggled at his reaction. They asked me to remove my t shirt and they massaged it a little and yes, it did help...

2 months passed by fast, I have been very weak lately. And even blood is not helping, the contraction in my pelvic area is extreme.

I sit on whole day on couch not even getting up for food. And after every 10 minutes mum or ma or jungkook comes and ask if I am fine or need something.

I was currently reading a book on the bed.

Everything was cool but everything took a different path, when I felt something wet and then extreme pain

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Everything was cool but everything took a different path, when I felt something wet and then extreme pain

I screamed in pain. "JUNGKOOK!!!!" He came rushing in the room. "What happened?!" He asked. "M-MY S-STOMACH!!!!"

He immediately called mum and ma and they enter the room. I removed the blanket From my body and that made everyone shock with eyes popped out and mouth on floor

"There was blood on bedsheet"

Blood Mark💕🔖//Jungkook Vampire FFWhere stories live. Discover now