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"A-and what I have to do?" Jungkook asked a little worried. "Please convince mum so I can for a walk out" he started laughing his ass out.

"Hell!! I thought you will say something difficult!" "Oh! Is it that easy for you? Then do it" I said confident and he also didn't backed off.

"Fine! Ma!!!" He called ma and she came in. When he looked at ma she made a angry face and came and smacked jungkook.

"Shut up! No!" "But I didn't even say anything!" He said. "I can read mind! No you can't" she said and walked out and I started laughing.

He looked at me with a annoyed face. "Fine fine, sorry, it's okay no problem" I said and he nodded. "Hold her" I said giving belle to jungkook

"No! What if I drop her or what?!" "Jungkook! You aren't a small kid tht you'll drop a whole ass baby and also you are her dad! Hold her my hand hurts!"

He hesitated a little and then held her. He slowly touched her skin and said "aww!!! She is so soft and cute" he said kissed her nose

I giggled at his cuteness. "Aa yes! y/n I forgot to tell you, tommorow we have a function, we are calling everyone in our dynasty"

"Why but?" I asked. "Why not? I became a dad and got twins!" He said and I nodded giggling.


Jungkook and I was getting ready for function, after he was done he started dressing belle and adan up while I git dressed in -

Jungkook and I was getting ready for function, after he was done he started dressing belle and adan up while I git dressed in -

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As I was done I walked to jungkook who was look so handsome

He held my waist and said "my wife and queen looks really sexy and Gorgeous!"

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He held my waist and said "my wife and queen looks really sexy and Gorgeous!"

I smiled and kissed him "thanks your highness" he giggled and then I looked at babies. Jungkook dresses belle in this -

 Jungkook dresses belle in this -

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Blood Mark💕🔖//Jungkook Vampire FFWhere stories live. Discover now