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I wanted to hide it, but an instant smile took over my face. "I'll call you from nicknames now, carrot, love, sweetie pie, sweetheart, babe and baby"

"Won't you talk to me now also?" He asked ans I giggled. "Can I be angry from you for long?" He laughed and hugged me.

"You look good" he said looking at my outfit

"You look good" he said looking at my outfit

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"Thanks" I said. "Let's go I'll drop you to parlour" I nodded and then he dropped me there.



it's 5:00 pm right now and Jungkook isn't at home as he is at office. And I got holiday of two week so I am home.

I was getting bored when I text came from sis

Sis : so y/n, it's your marriage tommorow, are you gifting something to jungkook

Y/n : oh shit! I almost forgot that

Sis : so should I remind you everything?

Y/n : no now I remember. So what should I buy?

Sis : well gift him some pack of things?

Y/n : yay! Not bad idea. So let's go and shop

Sis : okay I'll pick you in 10

Y/n : cool, bye

Sis : bye

I then immediately rushed to Get ready, and I wore this -

After getting ready I went with sis ad bought a type of camper

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After getting ready I went with sis ad bought a type of camper. It had customized air pods, a brand new wallet, a watch, and a suit.

I was so happy cause I knew he would like it! I was on my way back home and I checked time, oh my! It's almost 9

Jungkook will be worried. After I reached home I entered in and saw jungkook on couch, as I thought worried.

He looked at me and stood up angry. "WHERE WERE YOU?!" I flinched at his angry tone. "Jungkook I was just -" "ITS ALMOST 9 AND YOU WERE OUT IN THESE CLOTHES??!!"

Blood Mark💕🔖//Jungkook Vampire FFWhere stories live. Discover now