I love you

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Stella had told Kelly how she'd need major distraction when they would get home. And he knew exactly what that meant.

But now knowing she had passed the lieutenant test added to the whole planned distraction.

They got to the appartment, she was opening the door and he was lovingly embracing her body from behind her. He loved hugging her like that, it allowed him to feel her curves. Her hair smelled good so he loved smelling it.

"Kelly with you touching so much on me like that we will never make it pass this door"

She said to him as she turned around, the door wasn't opened just yet.

"Kiss me" she said staring at him.

They shared a look "i'm proud of you"

She smiled, she loved how soft and sweet his voice would get whenever he'd say things like that. She grabbed the back of his head, and planted a kiss on his lips. Slowly adding in some tongue action.

"We better get inside" she said in between two breaths.

He laughed, he got the key from her and opened the door quickly. While still holding her hand with his other hand. They got in the apartment, they were tempted to just stop at the living room but they had to think about what if Casey were to come back. So they ended up in their bed. He laid her down, and gently undressed her. Exposing her naked body to him, she shivered as his eyes looked her up and down. She was breathing heavily, and he could see her nipples getting hard.

She gently rubbed them as she maintained eye contact with him. She then lifted her leg up, holding his tshirt in between her toes trying to help him get it off. He smirked and quickly finished getting undressed, he jacked off himself a bit before putting her in a first position. He got on the bed on his knees.

He first enjoyed the curve if her waist, and how she was arching her back from just waiting for him to put it in. He caressed her body all the way to her legs and then brought both her feet to his chest. He slid his penis inside of her,  she wasn't expecting it so she let out a slight noise.

"You better not scream"

But Stella knew she needed to be loud, she needed to be as loud as she could be. His dick coming in and out of her was so pleasing, but she tried to keep it low. She let out a shy moan. That quiet frankly only her could hear. He was stroking her not to slow but not too fast, just enough for her to ask for more. For her to beg and moan for him to go faster.

"Faster Kelly" she said as she gave him a desperate look.

She grasped onto his torso with her toes, she needed to feel him more. But he wasn't ready to give her the full Severide effect. He let go of her legs, allowing her to lay them down on the bed. And inserted his penis back inside of her. He wanted to feel both of their body so close, with each thrust he gave he got his body closer to hers. Their sweat mixed together, she licked his lips. She had those eyes, those horny eyes.

"You ready for more, Lieutenant Kidd"

His voice sounded so sexy, and feeling him inside of her this big and excited. Had her ready to bust. But she knew Kelly, and she was ready for whatever. She could already feel her legs weakened.

She felt him kiss her all the way down, his penis sliding gently out of her. She needed him, but then he reached her vagina. It was still moist, and juicy. He stuck his tongue inside and got some of that juice, swirling it around to then slurped it with her clit.

"You taste so good babe"

"Don't play like that"

But he was indeed about to play with her pussy, he moved his tongue from left to right very rapidly. Making sure to stay on her clit. The movements were rapid, and his face was getting more and more buried in her vagina. He grabbed onto her thigh and got to eating better. She loved how he would just swallow it whole, and the noise he'd make while licking and sucking.

"Umm" he said as he swirled his tongue around her vagina.

He gently sucked onto her clit, letting go of her thighs to spread her legs wider. He caressed both her inner thighs with his hands and then sticked one finger in her hole. And when it came out creamy he licked it, he then used those same fingers and spread her pussy a bit more. He used his fingers to masturbate her all while sucking, he was enjoying grasping onto her clit with his lips and when he knew she was about to cum. He kept using his fingers, and grabbed his dick while he slightly jacked it off. It was exciting to him to see her ready to come.

Her back was arched, she couldn't bare any more. He lifted her lower body a bit more, to allow him to gently bit Stella's big booty cheek. He kissed her all the way to her butthole and then licked from the butthole to her vagina. And as she came she let out a big scream of pleasure. He was pleased when he saw the big mess she had made, she crossed her legs. It was like her vagina was still throbbing from all it had felt. She let out another desperate moan while looking at Kelly.

Their favorite position were doggy style, so he put her that way. He was still hard and his job wasn't done just yet. He let his hand slide down her naked back, it was so soft. He grabbed onto her waist, and penetrated her. She let out a breath of satisfaction. He gave her one good stroke so that she could feel him, she always craved more and more of Kelly. And he knew that, he grabbed her hair and pulled it as he accelerated his movement coming in and out of her.

"Anhh Kelly, more" she literally screamed.


He smirked and yanked her hair even more, he loved to see her trying to gasp for hair. He kept thrusting as fast and steady as he could, he slapped her ass. Her moans were filling the room but as he kept pounding, he heard the front door opened. He knew Casey had gotten back, he grabbed Stella by her waist and flipped her on her back. Putting his hand on her mouth. She could feel his penis touching her, and it was so exciting to her.

"You got keep quiet now" he said teasy.

Her eyes shined, she refused to stop screaming. Kelly took his hand off of her mouth, and kissed her slightly sucking on her tongue. She moaned through the kiss, wrapping her arms around his back. She loved feeling his back muscle as he was applying pressure. They shared a look and very much commanding, she pushed him.

He laid flat on his back and she sat on him. She didn't put it in just yet, she grabbed his face and kissed him as she mimicked riding him. He could feel her juices all over him and the warmth of her.

"You were not shushing Lieutenant Kidd, right?" She asked lustful.

"Yes, yes i was" he said teasing her.

She grabbed his still hard penis, and inserted it inside of her. Letting out a soft groan. But before starting to move her hips around she put both her hands on his torso, and slid them down his throat.

"Who is your boss" she asked as she licked her lips.

"You" he asked his voice soft.

She grabbed his neck gently and started to move her hips around. He held onto her butt cheeks and helped her move. And just to prove him wrong she moaned loudly and freely, he felt even bigger when she would ride him. Her screams were desperate, wanting more. So she started bouncing, the sound of her ass clapping on him got her going faster. The bed was moving from her riding him so good and fast.

"Kelly i'm going to cum" she said focusing on her movement.

She couldn't take it no more, she let go of his neck to pull her hair back. But as she accelerated her rhythm, she grabbed his arms that were still holding her ass. They both came and so she let her body go on him.

She caressed his face, he gave him a little kiss.

"I love you" he said.

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