Chapter 29- First Show

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Hey lovelies, by the time I finish this chapter I will be at home. But at the moment I'm sitting in yet another study hall. Joy. I figured I'd update and give you guys the first show of the tour.
If you don't mind, please join the boys of One Direction while they perform live and my sweet, little Genevieve as she watches from the audience with Paul and Lou.
So I don't have experience with writing chapters about performing at concerts since I've never been to one so please bear with me. Thanks!
Without further rambling I give you Chapter 29! Enjoy my pretties.

*Three days later*

Liam's Pov

Three days to rest up. Three days with having to listen to the lads and Paul yell at me every time I got up. What a drag that was. Three days having to hear Genevieve complain nonstop about seeing mum. Can't she let it go? I kinda wanted to suggest her to hold it back a bit.
Anyway here I am... standing. Standing at rehearsal as Harry and Louis try to pull down Zayns pants. It's quite entertaining minus the fact we haven't sang any of the songs on the set list. We've been here for a little over 3 hours and nothing has been accomplished. Just great.
"Lads." I say, my voice calm and collected.
Nobody hears me. Figures.
I stare at my little munchkin as she sits in the front row watching the scene unfold. Her eyes haven't left Harry or Louis let alone Zayn.
"Lads. " I say once again. My voice gets drowned out by Nialls loud laughter.
My patience is wearing thin, its not as thick as it use to be. I use to be able to withstand a whole day of Genies anger problems/crying issues.
But now........I just simply get angry.
"Lads!" I shout, using my vocal cords to their highest potential.
They all stop what they're doing and look over at me.
"Are you finished?" I huff.
Simply nodding their heads they get into position to begin sing our first song of the night.

🎶Straight off the plan to a new hotel🎶 Harry begins.

Plopping down onto the bus couch I let my eyes close. What a long stressful rehearsal. Never again. Never again will I allow Paul to go fetch us some food and then never show up.
Well I shouldn't say he never showed up because unfortunately he did. He showed right at the time I decided to start going on a seething rampage of anger. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. What can I say except it's stress just eating me alive? That's exactly what it's doing.
I've never been so stressed in my life. Someone pokes my cheek. Opening my eyes I look over and down to see its Genie.
"You okay Li Li?" Her big, brown eyes peer up at mine.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I reply, trying my best to not look stressed or angry sadness.
Her arms cross at her chest, she shakes her head.
"I don't believe you for a second, mister. " Her British accent sounding thick.
My eyebrows raise in disbelief. "Did you just call me mister?" I ask.
"Yes, yes I did." She replies back with courage. "What ya gonna do about, Mister?" Her voice rises when she says mister.
Her lips begin to form into a knowing smile. She knows I'm gonna crack from serious straight to the tickle monster.
My finger taps my chin. "Well.....I think I'm gonna bring out Captain Tickle Hands." I express as I jump out of my seat.
My hands roam her small body, tickling her. Her giggles soon turn into happy screams. My hands glide to her armpits, I tickle her a bit.
"Li Li that tickles!!" She shouts as she laughs.

Soon I'm carrying her around the bus by her armpits making airplane and rocket ship noises. Soon I'm laughing along with her as I do another round around the bus. Zooming around the "living room" a couple times.
"What's going on?" Paul asks.
Freezing with Genie in my arms in mid airplane fly. Genies laugh dies down to small giggles. Her face is red as she tries to catch her breathe. I notice she's having a little trouble breathing.
"I'll tell you as soon as I get back." I tell the lads and Paul as I set Genie down on the kitchen stool.

Returning with her inhaler, I shake it and place it to her lips. Her eyes wide in fear as she realizes she can't breathe. Taking a few puffs, her breathing evens out.
"You okay, hunny?" Louis asks as he kneels in front of her.
He looks into her doe eyes. Tears appear at her waterline.
T-that was scary." Genie says.
"Come here, darling." Niall says as he picks her up from the kitchen stool.
"Li li." Genie squirms in his hold.
Taking her from him I bounce her in my hold, trying to calm her down.
"It's okay.....You're okay." I say, trying to soothe her.
"I-I-I couldn't b-breathe." She states.
I hold her away from my neck, my eyes look into her own. My thumb wipes along her cheek, clearing the tears that fell.
"I know, I know. It was scary." Removing her arms from around my neck, I try setting her back on the stool. She doesn't let go, she reattaches herself back to me.
"I'll be right over there." I tell her, pointing my finger at the stove that's in the kitchen behind us. "Just turn around and you'll see me, love."
Her thumb plants itself in her mouth as she nods.
I walk into the kitchen to begin making dinner before the show.

The adrenaline begins to pulse through my veins as I bounce from foot to foot. The nerves erupting in my stomach. This happens every time before we perform. But something feels off tonight. I don't know what it is. It's not a good feeling.
Soon the screams of over a million fans tune into my ears. A large smile plants itself on my lips.
"Hellooo everybody!" I shout into the microphone.
Loud, shrill screams is what I get in response.

Halfway through the show, I sit down to take a little break. Well maybe it's not halfway but almost over. Oops, I meant to say almost over. Opening my water bottle I take a large gulp of water. Looking at the front row I see Genie. (A/N top pic in the little duo thing I put together above) I give her a thumbs up with a goofy smile on my lips. Hers begin to quiver as her waterline fills with tears. She stands holding Lou's hand and the other in her mouth. She's scared. My stomach does flip flops. Okay, bad feeling.
Signaling to Lou to hand Genie here. She looks confused then she catches on. Walking Genie to the stairs on the
side, I met them there.
"She's just so scared." Lou tells me.
"I know. I figured she could come on stage with me for a bit."
"You sure that's not gonna scare her even more?" Lou questions me.
"I'll be there with her. That's all she wants at the moment." I reply.
"Okay.." she says unsure. "I'll be right up front just incase you decide she's overwhelmed being up there."
OKay, thanks Lou." I say, genuinely.
Walking back to center stage with Genies small hand tight in my own.
"Excuse me." I speak into the weird shaped device.
The lads stop what they're doing and run over to Genie.
"Well...well look who we have here." Zayn says with a smile on his face.
"Princess." Niall shouts as he wraps her in a gentle hug.
"Hey there, pumpkin." Louis bends down to her height as he pats her head.
"What's crackin, short stuff?" Harry asks.
Looking down at her I notice her eyes are laced with fear. Her forefinger rubs her nose. Clearing my throat. "I think Genies a little scared, guys."
"Awwwe." the fans say in sync.
"See their not that scary." I tell her as I squeeze her hand.
Her lips move, unable to hear her I ask her what she said. Removing her thumb from her mouth, she looks me in the eyes. I give her a nod of encouragement. Louis holds his mic to her lips, since he was already bent down.
"What's that?" She asks pointing to the mic at her mouth.
Laughs emerge from the audience.
"It's not funny. Why they laughing at me, Li Li?" Her voice ask me, innocently I may add.
Bending down to her height I look at her. She has no idea how adorable she looks right now. "They just find you adorable. I mean who doesn't?" I joke with her.
A smile plays on her lips. "Everyone thinks I'm adorable?"
She just laughs. The bad feeling goes away as if it was never there. Nothing too bad.
Her eyes look at the crowd of crazy fangirls, they're wide and in awe.
"Hit it, Devine!" I express.
Soon the music to Strong fill my ears.
Zayn bends down to Genie as he begins to sing. Genie knows the songs by heart, since she listens to it everyday. It's beyond her favorite. Her voice out does his.
"Look at genie." I point out to Niall.
Genies flaunting across the stage as the chorus comes.
She doesn't miss a beat as she shouts the head banging lyrics with us.
The song comes to an end.
Genie doesn't seem to notice as she shouts the chorus over and over again as her little head bangs and bobs.
"Genie..." Harry says.
At this point Louis has given his microphone to her. Josh just continues to bang on his drums as quietly as he can.
Genies voice of just screaming the words projects loudly.
"Genie..." Niall says this time.
"I'm busy, Ni Ni." She waves Niall off with her hand.
Once again she begins head banging to Strong, which ended about 5 minutes ago.
"I think she's been hanging with Louis too much." I say.
Soon Genies singing stops as she looks around embarrassed. "It did?" She asks, not bothering to remove the mic from her mouth. "When?" She demands.
Zayn whispers in her ear.
"5 minutes ago?"
"Yes, love." His eyes crinkle around the edges as he smiles at her. "You really like that song, yeah?"
"I don't like.... I love it, Bubba." she expresses with a large smile on her face.
"Again!" "Again!" She shouts.
"Hit it, Devine." I say.
The first verse begins as Genie jumps and head bands around stage. Soon we're all head banging, jumping and singing on stage as the chorus hits.
The song soon ends.
"Man, I love that song!" Genie expresses.
"Genevieve Payne everyone!" I shout into the microphone.
Whoops and hollers erupt from the crowd.


So.... how did you like it?
I hope you guys did. 😁
Bet ya thought Liam's bad feeling was gonna be catastrophic..
Haha I was thinking about it but then I thought Ehh better not lol.
It was a happy chappie for once. Point Rhoda💃
Started this chapter at 2:00, finished at 6:45 checked and read through.
I wasn't working on that the whole time. Worked on it from 2:00 to 2:34, then I went to 8th period, then I went to do Fafsa then I went home and cooked dinner. So then I worked on it from 6:45.
Don't forget to comment and vote.
Also don't forget I love you. 😘

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