Chapter 24-Hotel Bath

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Hey lovelies, I feel great! I'm all healed and better. Yay! 😁
Here's a picture of just how great I'm feeling. *whispers* psst it's your cue to look at the picture. Was taken today but that doesn't matter. Oh great, now I'm sharing useless info with you guys. *gnaws on cotton candy*
I have no idea what direction, you know there's only one direction you can go in is straight into your fav one direction members pants and pull their wallet right outta their back pocket and buy yourself a new happy life with signed contract to be their girlfriend. I call Liam! *throws pop rocks at any person who yells Liam's name*
Sorry got off track anyway, what I was saying is idk how long this chapter is gonna be or what kind of direction it takes. Here's chapter 24! Enjoy!😘

Liam's POV

Rushing to Genies suitcase and picking random clothes for her to wear along with some socks and underwear; stuffing them into her small Monster University backpack. I don't know what brought my little Genie to puke out her breakfast. None. Nada.
Appearing into the kitchen, my eyes land on Genevieve, her mouth spewing out cries and her cheeks red and tear stained.
"Where's her bucket?" I shout.
Nobody replies to my question.
"I'll do it, myself."
Setting down her backpack on the counter and begin my search for a bucket, trash can, anything.

Genevieve's POV

Liam walks away, my tummy lurches again. Spilling out of my mouth and onto my already puke covered pjs.
"I-I don't f-feel g-good."
Looking down at my Princess Belle pjs. They're covered in my puke, I feel yucky.
"I know pumpkin." Looking up to see Louis standing right beside me, looking down at my with sad eyes.
"I-I want Li Li." Telling Louis, a hiccup follows.
"Niall go find Liam." Niall nods and walks away. "Harry go ask how much longer Til we're there." Harry nods and looks at me in the eyes with a sad look. "Zayn, you and I will try to clean off as much as the bile from her pjs. Well...As much a we can."
Zayn and Louis beings to scrub at my pjs with a rag. As I sit there my tummy lurches and spit piles in my mouth. Just as I opened my mouth, puke lands in my lap and all over their hands.
"Fuck." Zayn says.
"Language!" I hear Liam shout.
"We're just gonna go wash our hands." Louis says, standing up.
"I-I don't f-f-feel good, Li Li." My hands go to my stomach, emphasizing just how much I don't. My hands come in contact with the contents of my stomach.
Liam removes my hands from my tummy, he begins wiping the vomit from them. "I know, sweetie." He tells me as his hand goes to my forehead.
"Oh goodness, you're burning up." Liam says as he face flushes to panic.
"2 miles Til we're there." Harry says, appearing into the kitchen.
"Did you tell him to drive faster?" Liam asks.
"I did, Stan is trying to drive as fast as he can."
Harry bends down at my side and moves some of my hair from my mouth. "How you holding up, kitten?" He asks.
Turning to look at Harry, I simply shake my head. Afraid to speak, I don't want to vomit on him too.
"Here lets get some of the puke off of that pretty little chin of yours." He takes the rag Liam was holding and begins wiping my chin.
"Now, isn't that better?" Harry asks with a smile. His dimples poke through and I can't help but want to poke my finger into the giant hole.
"Yes." I reply, my voice hoarse from all the vomiting.
"Where's the thermometer?" Liam shouts.
"In the cabinet in the bathroom." Niall replies.
"It's not in there!" Li Li shouts, sounding angry.
Niall comes into the kitchen carrying a trash can.
"If you gotta puke, puke in here okay, Vieve?"
"Okay." I reply in a quiet voice.
"Where the hell is the thermometer?" Liam shouts again.
I hear things being knocked down.
"I'm gonna go help him. Stay here, Niall." Niall shakes his head yes.
Readjusting myself to prevent from sliding off, my stomach lurches again. Soon the bile is up in my throat and coming out of my mouth, straight into the trash can. I feel Niall's hand on my back, rubbing it in a soothing manner.
"Hey, how's our little solider doing?" Louis asks.
Louis sits In a chair beside mine, he looks at me and just sighs. Soon I'm heaving, nothing's coming out of my mouth. Tears roll down my cheeks, landing on my pjs. Niall's hand is instantly place on my back, rubbing in small, comforting circles. My hair is being pulled a bit and something is being placed it in. Zayn comes into view and looks at me.
"It hu-" Is all I get out, until I'm heaving again.
My throat begins to burn. I cry out in pain, sobs shake my tired body. Becoming drained from all the work.
"Boys! We're here!!" Stan shouts.
"Liam lets go. We are here." Zayn shouts.
Louis goes into picking me up, I shy away. "Li Li." I tell Louis.
Liam appears and runs over to me. He takes the trash can from me and hands it to Zayn. He gently picks me up and soon all I see it the things behind me.
"Somebody grab her bag from the counter. I'll meet you inside."
My eyes squint to adjust to the bright lightening. My stomach lurches and I feel my face pale ever more. Zayn must of noticed, because he takes me from Liam and places me on the ground and the trash can right in front of me.
"Zayn what the fu-" Liam begins to say before Zayn cuts him off.
"Just go, I'll bring her in when you've talked to the reception person."
Liam looks at me and then sprints into the hotel building. I sit there waiting for the vomit to come out of my mouth. Nothing. Just nothing comes out just inhuman noises. It burns in my stomach and my throat.
I look up to see Li Li has came back. "It's a go. They will let us use a bathroom in one of the rooms."
My stomach lurches and nothing comes out again.
"Liam, she's heaving."
"I know, it looks like it hurts her. I can't look at this."
"Li li." I say, my voice small and weak, cracking a bit.
Liam bends down into my view.
"Hey Genbug." He says.
"It hurts." I croak out.
" I know, baby. I'm gonna carry you inside and get you cleaned up. How does that sound baby girl?"
I just nod, lifting my arms up, signaling to be picked up. Once we get in, Liam walks right over to the front desk.
"Oh, yes, Mr. Payne. Is this the little sweetie who needs to be cleaned up?"
"Yes, this is Genevieve and we would like that room now, please."
"Of course, Mr. Payne. Here's your key. Your room is on the first floor and first one to the right." The lady says.
"Thanks and please call me, Liam."
Before the lady could respond, Liam has take off in a light jog.
"Slow." I tell him, feeling my stomach slush around, feeling uneasy.
He slows down a whole change of pace. I look back, watching Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Niall trail behind us. I can't see their face clearly, but they look sad.
Is it because, I puked? Maybe it's because my tummies upset?
Soon I'm being placed on a soft, comfy bed. My tummy settles down a bit. Unexpectedly I feel vomit go through my throat and almost out of my mouth. I place my hand, trying to prevent it from flying. Zayn hustles over with the trash can and it all comes out with a small push of my stomach.
Again I begin crying. I'm so tired. I wanna sleep. Harry wipes my mouth with some kind of paper. He just throws into the can.
"You ready for a bath, kitten?" Harry asks. Again he sends me a smile.
I shake my head no.
"How come?" Concern etched on his face.
"Tired." I say.
Harry doesn't say anything but sit next to me and takes the can from me. He places it on the ground. He pulls me into a side hug, rubbing my arms up and down, comforting me. My eyelids begin to slowly close.
"Bath time." Liam says.
I shake my head no, and try to move away and closer to Harry.
"It's just gonna be a quick one, Genie." Liam tells me.
He again tries to pick me up. I struggle, becoming weaker than before.
I give up. I give up struggling against Li Li's grip. I slump in his arms, letting my eyes slowly close.
My dirty pjs are soon gone and I'm placed in warm water. My body becomes useless, I start moving forward. Liam's hands catch me and keeps one of his hands on me as he takes out the ponytail holder from my hair. It falls around my shoulders. He takes a cup and wets my hair. He lets go of me for a couple seconds before his hand is massaging something into my hair. My eyes have fallen closed as I begin to fall into a tired sleep. Liam rinses out my hair and soap that he places on my throat, chin, and chest.
"That wasn't too bad. All done." Liam lifts me out of the tub and wraps me in a fluffy, white towel.
As he dried my hair, I hear the bathtub drain. Liam doesn't dress me in the clothes he said he brought but just wraps a different but same white colored towel around my body.
He picks me up and I snuggle into his shoulder. Drowsily opening my eyes I see Liam's neck. I move my head so I can see what's going on around me.
"Aye, there she is." Niall says.
I twist my body around so that my bum is resting on Liam's forearm. He simply smiles down at me. Setting me on the bed,at the top by the pillows.
"Tired, baby?" Zayn asks.
I nod my head as I lay down onto my side, curling into the strangely, large towel.
"Get some sleep, Genie." Liam tells me.
"Mr. Buggles?" I ask as my eyelids begins to droop.
"It's still on the Tour Bus, kitten." Harry tells me.
"Snuggle." I tell to anyone, not really caring who it is.
I feel someone wrap their arms around my petite body and pulls me close. Their cologne engulfs my nose. No, not again. My stomach lurches after I thought it calmed down. Jumping out of their arms.
"Can" Is all I say.
It happens so fast just as it comes out of my mouth. The trash can is placed in my arms. Opening my mouth it piles out, soon heaving is followed. My stomach lurches but nothing comes out. Tears cascade down my cheeks.
"Oh baby girl, it's okay." I look through my watery eyes, I see its Liam.
He removes the trash can from my arms. He opens his arms and I shuffle over to Liam, I cling onto him as my cries turn into sobs. His hands rub at my back as he whispers, "Shh.. Shh it's okay. Everyone gets sick."
My body has becomes drained, my cries quiet down as I fall asleep snuggled into my Li Li holding me close to him.

So... how's what that?
It was longer than I thought it would be. Bonus!
Have a good night or a good day.
Don't forget I love you guys."
Until next time.....✌️

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