Chapter 35

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The moment they had crossed the ice, the lake, Helen knew, felt it vibrate in her bones, that they had finally reached the land of darkness. That she was now on their earth, their soil, their territory. She was a stranger in a strange land. She had glanced at Ten, and it seemed almost like he exuded darkness now. Not like before, that this darkness, their darkness was that much darker. It seemed to sing in his blood and shine in his eyes.

Ten had said that they would soon reach an outpost, a small, and slightly shady tavern and shop were people who ventured in the wilderness would stop by to gather supplies for their travels, or get a warm meal, before they ventured on. They would stop there as well.

Ten hadn't really said anything, but Helen thought she knew why he wanted to make a stop before reaching the dark city. Because he needed time, time to decide what he wanted to do. To make a plan before they ventured into the final chapter of the prophecy.

They soon reached a path that was cleared of snow, and the sleigh started moving in a swift pace as Shiny's hooves finally could push off against solid ground, not the slush of snow they had been traveling through for days now.

The trees around them hung with heavy branches and threatened to brush against their faces if they came too close. But Shiny kept them dry and safe from the heavy branches.

With the swift pace, Helen wasn't that surprised when a faint light shined in the distance, telling her that they were approaching the tavern already.

The outpost was nothing more than three houses that stood rather misplaced against the road they had travelled. The wood that the houses were made of seemed to have turned grey in the long days of winter and darkness. It even looked like the wind had taken its hold on them and made the two stories houses crocked and leaning slightly to the left. A faint smell of sour ale came from the house on her left, which Helen guessed would be the tavern.

The light that came from the tavern was dim, and it was only the windows that were lit among the three houses. Every other window was completely black and dark. Helens stomach turned when she realized that she would meet other people of the moon now. What if they realized what she was? Would they hate her? She had to concentrate to not start fidgeting with her hands. She hadn't really given this a thought before. That she was now in the dark lands, and that she might have to interact with other people of this land. Unease spread across her as she tried to not be scared by the dimness of the light that came from that tavern.

But this was not the only thing that weighed on her mind. She looked up at Ten who concentrated on steering Shiny. His pale green-blue eyes calmed her, but they contained traces of uncertainty and darkness, and that partly undid the calm within her. His indecision had to end soon. Or else she would enter the dark city without any plan, without any ally, and she knew she needed Ten if she was going to have any chance at all at making it. At stopping the queen from making their lands bathe in eternal darkness.

Ten parked their sleigh behind the tavern and started unpacking, not really giving her any attention. His entire demeanor was stiff and hard, as if he were bracing himself for the question he had to know would come from her, but tried to deflect it by becoming unapproachable and distant. He became so solely focused on the task at hand that she could not ask him anything.

A sliver of nervousness and uncertainty came over her, should she give him more time? The nervousness suddenly flared into fire inside her body, making her grit her teeth in annoyance; her patience had come to an end.

"Ten, I think I know why you won't look at me. Why you seem to dread to look me in the eyes," she said, her voice tender and careful, not letting the fire spill over in her voice. She knew that her anger would not help him in this situation.

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