Chapter 3 (Just hanging out for the night)

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(Your POV)

The next day, you wake up and hear a knock on your door. "Who could be here this early?" You said while groggily getting out of bed. You were tired. You didn't really get much sleep because you spent most of your time lying in bed, and thinking about the conversation you had with Sebastian. But that didn't stop you from getting up to open the door. Only to see Marnie standing next to a dog. "Oh! Hi Marnie. What's up? And who's this cutie?" you ask while looking at the dog. The dog looks back at you and wags its tail. "Good morning, Y/n! I just found this little fella roaming around your farm, and came to ask if you wanted him." Marnie said while petting the dog. "Uh. Sure. I guess I could use a dog around here." You say while looking around at your farmland (a.k.a. The big messy field with some crops planted around). Marnie chuckled as the dog walked next to you, sat down, and leaned his head on your leg. She then started heading home to do... Whatever it is that she does (Because we all know she ain't working most of the time). As she walks away, you look at your new dog and say "I should probably give you a name, huh?" The dog barks as a response. "Hm... What about... D/n?" You say right before the dog happily barks again.

After deciding a name for your new friend, you decide to get a little more work done on the farm. Time seems to pass by really slowly as you work, but before you know it, the work is done (Or at least as done as you want it for now). All the sticks, weeds, and small rocks are gone. All that's left are some big rocks, and tree stumps. You sit on the porch as the sun is just beginning to set, and you let your mind wander. You begin thinking about the talk you had with Sebastian once again. All the happiness you had from getting a new dog, and getting most of your work done slowly started to fade as you remembered what you told him. "Why did I bring up my dad? That was so stupid. He didn't need to know about that." You say quietly as you hug your legs to your chest. D/n is lying next to you, kicking the air in his sleep. You chuckle at him before quickly going back to your thoughts. "I remember that Seb had some issues with his step-dad when he was young. The poor kid had fights with him a lot... Maybe that's the thing he almost brought up last night when he talked about how he shouldn't have made me talk about my dad. I mean, he didn't make me. I just kinda... Started talking about it. UGH! Great. I brought up past trauma for both of us." You say while putting your hands on your face.

You suddenly jump as you hear footsteps, but then realize that it's just your dog, heading in the house for the night. "I should probably call it a night too."You say as you get up, and go inside.

(Sebastian's POV)


I wake up in a room that I've clearly never been in before, And... I'm a child? Wait. There's no way this is me. I wasn't chubby as a kid. Nor did I wear pink! Hold up. If that's the case, how am I in someone else's body?!

I take a minute to piece everything together, and figure out that, yes, I am in a little girl's body. "Oh no..." I think to myself as I look around. I make eye contact with a man who's just... Staring at me. He's kinda blurry, but I can still tell that it's a man that looks like he might be middle aged. I try to make it obvious that I caught him staring, but... He doesn't look away. In fact, he smiled at me. But it wasn't a friendly smile that most adults would give a child. It was darker. There was clearly something going on in this guy's head... And now, I was scared. "I've gotta get out of here. I've gotta get out of here." I kept repeating to myself, knowing that no one could hear me for... Some reason. I looked at the man as he started to walk closer to me. The room started getting dark, and then...

(End nightmare)

"AH!" I yelled as I jolted upright from my bed. I start breathing heavily as I look around my room, as if trying to remember where I am. "Thank Yoba. It was just another nightmare." I say while wiping the sweat off my forehead. The dream I had last night after having that talk with Y/n was... Weird... To say the least. I'm just glad it's over.

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