Chapter 13: The ending that no one asked for! :D

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A month after the events of the last chapter

(Your Pov)

You and Sebastian have been dating for about a month, and tomorrow is your one month anniversary. You and Seb haven't told anyone that you were even together. Not even Sam and Abby. You planned on telling them during your anniversary.

Speaking of those two, you and Seb were hanging out with them at the Stardrop Saloon. You were just doing the usual things. Sam and Seb were playing pool, and you and Abby were chatting. "Man. You and Seb sure have been close lately. Even closer than usual." Abby said with a smug look. "Some friends just like to be close. So what? Heck. Some girls say they're straight, and then proceed to kiss each other. JUST BECAUSE they're such good friends" You responded. "Gay people exist." Abby said with a blank expression. "You're telling this to someone who swings both ways." You responded. "Wait. You're bi?" Abby asked. "Pan actually." You answered. Abby paused for a second before saying "You had SO many options, and you chose Sebastian?" You could then hear Sam dying of laughter nearby. "Who said we were together?!" You ask before looking at Sebastian, and seeing him giving Abby the 'angry mom glare'. "Wow. When people say that kids look like their parents, they aren't kidding." Sam said jokingly before Sebastian smacked him in the arm. "Um... Sebby?" You said, motioning Sebastian to go over to where you were sitting. "Yeah?" He asked as he walked over to you. You then lightly pulled on his hoodie so he was leaning down to your level. "Should we tell them?" You whispered in his ear. "I don't know. It was your idea to tell them on our anniversary, which, might I add, is tomorrow." He whispered back. "I mean... It's getting pretty late at night, so... It's almost tomorrow." You whispered. Sebastian sighed before saying "Whatever. Do it. I honestly don't care." with a shrug.

You then looked over at Sam and Abby, who happened to be staring at you. "Hm." You hummed before looking back at Sebastian, whose face was still quite close to yours, and then looked back at Sam and Abby. "What? Are we too close together to be seen as 'Not a couple'?" You asked before a smirk showed up on your face as an idea hit you. "Yes." Abby said jokingly, not expecting what will happen next.

You looked back at Sebastian. "Why are you looking at me like tha-" He started asking before you pulled him in closer, and gave him a big kiss on the lips. Sebastian was surprised, but didn't do anything to stop you. Though the two of you have been dating for a month, this was your first kiss, so he had every right to be at least slightly surprised. "WOAH!" Abby said, slightly louder than one would hope. Luckily, no one in the other room heard them over their own talking. A few seconds later, you let go of Sebastian's hoodie, and the two of you stopped kissing. "Dang." Sebastian said, not really knowing what else to say in this situation. His face was redder than some of the tomatoes on your farm. "Dang indeed. What the heck was that? You said the two of you were just friends!" Abby said in shock. "Um... Surprise!" You said awkwardly, doing jazz hands. "Wait. Are you two actually together? And if so, for how long?!" Sam asked. "Um..." You said before looking at Sebastian, and the two of you said in unison "A month." "A MONTH?!" Abby and Sam yelled in unison. "When were you gonna tell us about this?" Sam asked. "Tomorrow?" Seb said. "Why tomorrow?" Abby asked. "That's our anniversary." You answered.

The four of you just sat there in silence for a few seconds, not knowing what to say at this point.

(Sebastian's Pov)

"Well, this sure got awkward." I thought, wondering if it was really a good idea to let Y/n tell them about this tonight. I was knocked out of my train of thought when I heard Sam and Abby start to yell. "YAAAS!" They then started jumping up and down with joy. "Are they really THAT overjoyed that I got into a relationship?" I thought, raising an eyebrow and looking absolutely done with both of them.

(Your Pov)

"Well, they seem... Kinda happy." You thought with an awkward smile on your face. You looked over at Seb, and noticed that he looked like he died a little on the inside, but before he could say anything to you, Sam and Abby ran over to the two of you and tackled you both in a big group hug. "Well, this is happening now." Sebastian said in an annoyed tone. "My best friend finally got himself a girlfriend! I'm so proud" Sam said, sounding like he was trying not to cry.

You just chuckled quietly, and hugged your friends (and boyfriend) for a few more seconds, before everyone decided to go back to what they were originally doing, while chatting about how you and Sebastian got together.

You could have sworn that that bright red color never left Sebs face for the rest of the night. You said it was cute, which made him just turn redder, and pull his hood over his face. And to his dismay, that only made him look cuter to you.

The End.

Sebastian x Awkward female readerWhere stories live. Discover now