Chapter 9: (Beach accident)

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(Your POV)

You woke up the next morning, feeling a little weird because of what happened yesterday at the community center. You didn't really feel upset by it or anything. Just weird.

After doing your usual routine around the farm, you decided to go for a walk around town.

Instead of going the usual way, by the bus stop, you decided to go in the direction that led to Marnie's place, waving to Shane, who happened to be heading to work as you walked by. You didn't really like the place he worked at, or his attitude towards you, but you still tried to be nice to him.

As you got into town, and were about to pass Sam's house, you happened to notice Sam and Abi standing in front of it. They looked like they were arguing about something, but they weren't talking loud enough for you to hear them, so you figured it was best to just ignore them and keep walking.

As you walked past them, you started to feel like someone was watching you, their eyes almost burning a hole in your skull. You looked around, even looking at where Sam and Abi were standing, but they weren't even looking at you. "Weird..." You thought as you kept walking.

After a bit of thinking, you decided to head over to the beach, and just do some fishing. As you got to the edge of the dock and sat down, you looked up at the sky. It was kinda cloudy, but still somewhat light out. "I really hope that doesn't mean rain. But wait. Some pretty good fish come out in the rain. Eh, I guess we'll see what happens." You say to yourself as you put some bait on your fishing line and toss it into the water.

(Small time skip)

As you continue to wait for a fish to bite, you can feel your butt going numb from sitting in the same place for so long. "Can someone please bite this thing already?!" You yell at any fish that might be nearby, possibly scaring them away in the process. "Ugh... This is taking forever." You say just before you feel a drop of water fall on your head. Then another. Then about a hundred more. You then look up at the sky, once again, and say "I had a feeling that those clouds meant rain... Well, at least now I might have a better chance at catching some fish." As you sat there, you couldn't hear the sound of creaking wood over the sound of the rain, so you didn't notice that someone else was on the dock. You continued fishing, until you heard someone say "Hey." Just that one word made you nearly jump out of your own pants. A similar situation to what happened at the dance of the moonlight jellies... Except this time... You forgot to grab onto the dock to keep yourself up. You felt like things were going in slow motion as you closed your eyes and prepared to hit the water, but... You didn't. You didn't fall in. After about two seconds, you opened your eyes to see what saved you from disappearing into the ocean.

It was Sebastian. "Shoulda guessed." You thought to yourself as you saw him clinging to your shirt like your life depended on it. "Thanks, Sebby." You say sarcastically before noticing what part of your shirt he grabbed. His hand was uncomfortably close to your chest, and you noticed that right away. Out of reflex, you yelped and slapped his hand away, only after the fact, did you realize what you did, and regret it. Just seconds after slapping him, you started to fall. "SEB-" you yell, but are cut off as soon as you hit the water. Soon after you fell in, you felt a sharp pain at the back of your head. "Ow! Not again with the head injuries..." You think as you notice things starting to get darker. As the space around you got harder to see, you noticed a hand reaching out to you, and you could have sworn that you heard someone yell your name, but it was too muffled to hear. Soon after that, everything went black.

(Sebastian's POV)

The conversation I was having with Sam ran a little longer than I thought it would. I fell asleep during it. So, I wasn't that surprised when I was woken up by the noise of my phone, the next morning. I looked at it, still half asleep, and said to myself "How is Sam still texting me...?" before actually looking at what his text said.

Sebastian x Awkward female readerWhere stories live. Discover now