Just friends

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It's been a month since Tommy and I hung out at Will's house. We went out together instead of staying in which I won't complain about. Will asked me out a week after that day and he is honestly so good for me. I've been in such a good mood since we got closer. I got closer with my other friends like Dream, George, Sapnap, and Karl. We talk every other day, they are like my second family.

I get a call. I pick up my phone and it's Dream. I answer while putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello!" I start..

"Hey, I have a present for you."

"Ooo What is it?"

"Open your door and look at what I sent you."

I walk downstairs while opening the message. It was a picture but of him. He just randomly face revealed to me. He was very handsome don't get me wrong but why so out of the blue? I open the door expecting a package but when I opened it, it was far from that. The phone hangs up and there he was. I ran into him and gave him a giant hug. He picked me up and we were just swaying. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I say as he puts me down. 

"With Vidcon being in a week and being in London this year I thought I would come early and meet you, George, Tommy, Tubbo, Will, and the others. Have a Week with you guys before the chaos." I invited him in, I couldn't stop smiling. "How did you get my address?" "Tommy." I nodded "That makes sense." I called Tommy down to say Hi. "MY MAN, DREAM!" He Hugged him and they started chatting. I went upstairs for a bit.

I couldn't believe he was here. He was a lot better looking than I thought he would've been. His hair is a dirty blonde, he has green eyes, and he also is very fit. I walk back downstairs and I see him still talking to Tommy. I stand leaning against the wall admiring him. The way he talks with his hands and he smiles so wide like he is invested in the conversation. 

I finally walk in. "Where are you planning to stay while in London?" "At Georges, He has an extra room where I can sleep in." He was taller than me, not taller than Will but still taller than me. "Oh, Do you have to leave soon?" I turned to look at him while grabbing a glass. "No, He told me to be there before 9 because that's when he's going to sleep." I laughed at his reply. "George, a grown man has a bedtime?" 

I got my water and waved him to follow me to my room. He walked in and looked stunned. "I love your room, Is so cozy yet I feel like I could have a party in here." Most people who see my room love it so I wasn't surprised when he did too. My room had string lights and LED lights. One of the string lights is blue and the other is red. I had both of them on which gave this "euphoria lighting effect". "Dream, do you want me to go get you some water?" he laughed and said "You know you don't need to call me Dream. You can call me Clay, and yes to the water" I nodded and went to go get the water. Clay had changed out of the T-shirt he was wearing. 

When I walked in he was pulling his hoodie over and I could see his abs. The dude was ripped and I would feel my face redden.  He got the hoodie and walked over to grab the water from me. I had my hoodie sleeve cover my face while he took the glass. "Are you alright?" He asked before taking a sip. "YEA! My face is just a little cold." He laid on the bed looking very comfortable. I laid next to him with my knees up. Opening TikTok I would show him some and he would show me some. After mindless scrolling, I realized Clay's head was resting on top of mine while we were laughing at the videos. 

Incoming Facetime: Will <3

I answered facetime and Waved. "WILL, YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE WHOS HERE" He obviously saw because Clay's head was above mine. "Dream?" He didn't look too happy. I couldn't imagine why his friend was in London and he could come to see him. "Hey Cora, could you go to the bathroom for a minute." I got up walking into the restroom and locking the door. "Whats up?" He looked at me through the phone "Why is he in your house and cuddled up with you in your bed?"

I realized what it looked like. "He visited me and we were just watching TikToks. After he leaves here he's going to go to George's and that's where he's staying." He looked relieved. "Alright well, maybe I'll visit him at George's tomorrow." I smiled at him. He was obviously tired and was calling before he took a nap. "Are you going to bed?" "Yea, I had a long day." We said goodbye and hung up. 

Walking back into my room Clay asked "What was that about?" Looking concerned. "He was just calling before he took a nap. He does it every day." I laid down went back on TikTok. I accidentally dozed off. When I woke It was 7 pm and I was laying against Clay's chest. I quickly got up and he looked at me alarmed. "Look at the time. You should get going so you don't get locked out!" He looked at me confused and got his stuff together. "Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow I guess." He said while walking out the door. He left and I closed the door behind me. 

I ran into Tommy's room and he was sitting at his desk doing school work. I sat on his bed crisscrossed. "Tommy, I love Wilbur." I said frantically. "That's a good thing, right?" He swiveled around and looked at me. Word vomit. WORD. VOMIT. "Dream, Clay, He showed up. He's attractive. VERY MUSCULAR. Funny. TOOK A NAP AND WOKE UP CUDDLING. Then there's Will. He's kind. Very Attractive. He's funny as well. Not to mention adventurous. MY BOYFRIEND. OVERALL PERFECT. Why am I having feelings for two people." I put my hands in my head frustrated. 

Tommy looked at me with eyebrows raised and mouth agape. "Will is your boyfriend, you fell in love with him for a reason. Dream is just a pretty face." He paused to think "If you feel like your feelings are changing talk to Will. It's better to talk to him or take a break instead of something happening and breaking his heart." I gave him a big hug "Thank you" I walked out and into my room. It's only 7:30 but I'm exhausted so I just decide to go to sleep early and wake up earlier in the morning.

Word Count: 1181

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