Meet Up

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I woke up around 6 am. I decided to go ahead and get ready to run errands since no one was going to be awake for about 2 more hours. I wiggle my way out of Clay's arms. I looked at him and all I saw was me hurting Will. I feel like I shouldn't have either.

Wilbur's face looked so sad when I broke things off officially. I shook it off. Today is going to be a great day. Everyone was going to meet up and finally see each other. I grab my phone and keys and head out the door as quietly as possible so I didn't wake up Clay.

I walked down to my room taking my time. I finally got to the door and unlocked it. It was still nicely put together because I spent my time in Clay's room. I opened my suitcase searching for what I wanted to wear.

I was wearing one of Clay's graphic tee's so I kept that on but threw on ripped jeans with fishnets, necklaces, rings, some long socks, and air forces. I went and brushed through my hair. my makeup from yesterday was smudged so I cleaned it up a bit and walked out the door.

I realized I didn't have the keys so I walked to George's room. I knocked on the door praying he would answer. That boy could sleep through an earthquake. Lucky for me he woke up and opened the door. "What?" He had quite the attitude. His hair was curling a bit and his eyes were half-open. All he was wearing was basketball shorts. Sleepy George was not a bad look.

"I need to run errands so I need the keys for the car." He rolled his eyes and dragged himself to where the keys were. He placed them in my palm. "Don't crash my car, please." I put the keys in my pocket. "I won't, promise." He closed the door and I walked down to the car.

I cranked it up and took off. I headed down to Tesco just to see if there was something I or the boys would want. I ended up getting a bunch of different crisps and some sandwiches. I drove down to the closest Starbucks and grabbed everyone a coffee.

I got back around 8 o'clock and went back to my room. I sat everything down and sat on my bed for the first time. My door started unlocking. Tommy was the only person who has my room key beside me. He opens the door and starts shouting at me. "What the hell Cora?" I looked at him shocked and confused. "What?"

"What do you mean 'what' you cut Will off completely! He told me you are going to pick Clay." He looked at me in disbelief. "Yeah, Kat likes him and I shouldn't drag him along if someone else obviously likes him. I just don't want to hurt him so I ended it. now he doesn't have to wait around when I don't know who I want." "GOD CORA. You are so stupid. Just stop flirting with both and take a moment to listen to who your heart wants more." he sat on the bed. "What if I can't choose." I looked at him with worry

"You can't have both you know." He looked sympathetic. How come he was younger but wiser than me. I looked down at my hands "Yea, I know." I spoke in almost a whisper tone. I didn't want to hurt either of them. "Is one of those for me?" Tommy asked pointing at the coffees. "Yea, the one on the far left." He walked over and grabbed it. "Just take a moment and think from now on." After that was said he walked out and back to his room.

I figured I would apologize to Will and bring him his coffee. I left and walked to his room. I knocked and he opened it. "Hey." I said while smiling and holding out his coffee. "Come in." He moved his arm higher up so I could go under. His looks still make me become a little flustered. He was wearing a similar outfit to George, no shirt and just basketball shorts.

I sat on the edge of his bed and he stood in front of me. "I'm sorry for yesterday. Tommy kind of smacked some sense into me. We don't have to end things completely but temporarily." He nodded and took a sip from his coffee. "I'm doing the same with Clay. I need to just sit with my feelings and really figure them out."

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