Kiss and Tell

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I woke up the next morning to the sun beaming through my window. Everything that happened the night before was just a blurry haze. It was kind of like it was a dream. I gather myself off the floor wan walk over to my wardrobe. I grabbed a tank, a plaid skirt, a black jacket, ripped tights, and white doc martins. (The picture at the top) I put the clothes on and put my hair into two braids.

I'm guessing Tommy heard my movement because he came into my room. "Hey, how you feeling?" I could tell he was genuine. "I feel a bit hazy but I'm alright."

"Alright, I'm going back to my room but if you need something just ask." I nodded at him and he left. I was left with my thoughts and realized what I had done. I cheated on my boyfriend. I wasn't sure if I should tell him or if I even could. I had to. I couldn't do that to him and try to stuff it away.

Will <3

Hey, could you come over?
I need to talk to you.

Will <3
Yea, give me 10.

I never wanted to hurt Will. He is the sweetest guy I have met and he cares so heavily for me. I just couldn't believe I did that. I never liked cheaters let alone cheaters who don't admit to what they did. The least I could do was tell him.

I was just sitting against my bed frame when I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I assumed it was Will and guessing my parents let him in. "Come in!" He walked in and made eye contact. I almost cried from the guilt. I patted my hand on the bed gesturing him to sit down. Which he did. 

"I'm sorry and don't say anything until I've finished." His eyes gave me the look telling me to go on. "Yesterday Clay and I hung out, We went to the park and got high. Things escalated and we kissed. There were little feelings but they were surely there. Nothing more than that happened but I think we should take a break. I need to get my feelings in order and I don't want to hurt you any more than I probably have."

He took a minute to process what I said. Taking a deep breath he put his hands on my head sliding them down to hold my cheeks. "Look at me." His eyes looked sad but soft. Like he was devastated but he still loved me. "I'm glad you told me, I can't say I'm not upset but it's better than hearing it from someone else." I unknowingly shed a tear. He wiped it away for me. "I understand you can't control your feelings, so take your time and try to understand them." I pulled him into a tight hug. "I will still be here just like I was before so don't worry about losing me either ."

He surprisingly made it easy even though he shouldn't have. He should've been mad but he was sweet and calm. That's Wilbur for you though. He lightened the air by turning on music and dancing. I just stared at him in awe as time seemed to slow down. His messy dancing and his fluffy hair flopping around was just beautiful. 

He reached his hand out to me and offered me to dance with him. I take his hand and we just dance like absolute fools. I didn't want to admit but I was going to break someone's heart when I have to choose. 

We hung out for pretty much the whole day. Baking In the kitchen, Playing Minecraft on my PlayStation and sitting on my bed talking and laughing.  

Wilbur's POV:

I know I honestly should be a tad bit mad but I'm not. I understand that this may hurt her as much as it does me. I can tell she loves me deeply and she likes him too. It's okay to like two people.  All I can do is act like how I normally do and hope that her feelings for me are stronger.


Word Count: 691

A bit of a shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed it <3 

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