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A couple of days have passed and things with Will are fairly normal. The only difference is we don't kiss anymore but we do still cuddle. He hasn't changed at all towards me. Clay on the other hand has only texted once or twice.

Today is the first day of  Vidcon. Kat and I have been keeping in touch so she knows about EVERYTHING that has been going on. She said that she going to come to the convention. Wilbur offered her a ticket to be at the booth with us and of course, she accepted. 

George was on his way to get me, Will, and Tommy so I had to rush to get ready. I threw on a more basic outfit from my closet and some jewelry. (Picture above) Will just wore a sweater and jeans with some low-top converse. George Honked his horn and we all ran outside. I tried to get in front but Tommy insisted. Stubborn as always. 

I got in the back and I forgot Clay would be here as well. There I was sandwiched between Clay and Will. What a dream, right? Wrong. I could feel the tension become heavy. "Hey! How about some music?" George took the hint and put on some dance music to lighten the air.

For some reason, Vidcon wasn't in London. It was moved more up north so the drive was quite lengthy. About halfway through the drive, I was just on my phone and all the boys had been talking around me. I felt a spot on my leg become warm. I look to my right and it was Wilbur's hand. my face became a shade of pink. 

He was still talking to the boys while rubbing his hand up and down my leg. I placed my hand on his and rubbed my thumb in circles. The corners of his mouth lifted.  Clay on the other hand saw what was happening and started trying to play footsies with me. 

It gave me a giggle because he was obviously jealous. As much as I wanted too I was having a moment with Will and wanted to keep it like that for the time being. 

We arrived and followed the signs to the back parking lot. I texted Kat that we were here and she ran out the back door. I saw her coming and ran up to her. Our bodies Clashed in a hug. I missed seeing her so much. She is my closest friend so seeing her is always great.

She's never met Wilbur and Clay in real life so when she looked behind me her jaw dropped. The only person she didn't know was Clay but she recognized Will, George, And Tommy. "You have to choose between those two?" She whispered sounding shocked. I nodded with wide eyes "Yeah"

"Well whichever one you don't take, I will." I let out a big laugh. We all walked in and went to our booths. This was a big day because Clay is showing the world his face. I hope he doesn't get shit on too much. But from seeing him all week I can say no one will be disappointed.

He looked over towards me and gave me a weak smile. I felt a bit bad because I was being one-sided and not giving him an equal chance. "Hey, guys I'm going to be at Clays booth for today. He looks a bit nervous."

They said okay and I up behind him giving him a big hug. "They will love you okay." He was fidgeting a lot with his hands. I held both of his hands in mine even though they were too big to fit. "Don't stress." He smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Thank you for that."

The lines of people started coming in and let me tell you there were a lot of them. Clay or should I say Dream's line was huge. Its expected when you have about 20 million subscribers and are face revealing at a live event. When the first girl came up she was so sweet and complimented him a lot. That kind of helped release some stress. 

By the time we had lunch break he was having a lot of fun. So many people brought him little tinkets and he genuinely loved every single thing that he got. When he spoke to the smaller kids It's like he activated dad mode. He got down to their level and became really soft with them.

Everyone sat together while eating and talked about their experiences with the fans. I subconsciously sat next to Clay at the table. Since Clay and I were together we were just laughing at how funny some of the people were. Even awing at the sweet kids. Will looked a bit jealous but I didn't notice because I was looking at Clay. 

We got done eating but had nothing better to do but sit in the back rooms and wait for us to go back out there. I needed a quick nap but everyone was crammed on a couch so I couldn't exactly lay down. "Hey, Clay can I nap on your shoulder. Im really tired."  I said while tapping on his shoulder. "Of corse just don't drool." I laughed and laid my head down. And like that I was alseep.

I wake up and we finish off day one. We are staying in hotels near by and everyone has separate rooms. I had trouble sleeping so I decide to get up and go to Clay's room. I knocked on the door and it took a minute before he opened it. "Whats up?" He just woke up, I could tell by his hair and his half opened eyes. "Im having trouble sleeping, can I sleep in here?" He replied "ofcorse" and waved me in.

I laid down next to him in his bed giving him plenty of space but he wrapped his hands around me and pulled me into him. We were now cuddled up but I really didn't mind. It helped a lot with my restlessness. His face fell into the crook of my neck while he was sleeping and shortly I was gone too.


Word Count: 1031 

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