Chapter 1

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Percy's pov

    Ugh! Another day of school at Yancy Academy, my worst nightmare. Hi, my name is Percy Jackson, aka the school loser. Well, on of the school's losers. There is another person here just like me. Her name is (Y/N) (L/N). I don't know her personally but I have all my classes with her. We sit right next to each other in all classes but don't ever talk. I have to admit that I have a tiny crush on her......okay maybe a huge crush on her. But she'll never feel the same way about me, she probably doesn't even know who I am.

     At least today we won't have to sit in a classroom all day. We'll be going to a museum for a field trip. I thought the forecast for today was sunny instead of cloudy and it looks like it's going to rain. It's been like this the whole week and it wasn't suppose to be cloudy and rainy. Anyway, we are just walking around the museum while our teacher Mr. Brunner was telling us about all the greek gods, goddesses, and things like that.

     I wasn't really paying any attention to anything he was saying. I was listening to my music with my earbuds in. I looked to my side as we stopped walking to look at a statue thing and I saw Mrs. Dodds, our substitute English teacher, take (Y/N) into a different room. I didn't think anything of it until Mrs. Doddds came to me. "Percy, I need to speak with you privately." she told me while looking at me weirdly. "Ok." I said walking after her into some kind of room. That's when I saw (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s pov

     I was walking around with the class and not really paying attention to anything Mr. Brunner was saying. We had stopped walking and stood in front of a statue when Mrs. Dodds had put her hand on my shoulder. "(Y/N), we need to speak." she said that angrily. "Ok. What is it about?" I asked. "Let's talk privately. Follow me." she said, turning and walking towards a closed off room.

     "So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, after walking in. "I'll be back." she says, walking out the door and closing it behind her. Ok, weird. Just then someone walked in and it wasn't Mrs. Dodds. It was Percy Jackson, a classmate of mine. To be honest I've had a crush on him for a while. He probably doesn't feel the same way at all. I mean come on, I'm a loser.

      "Hey." He said, waving towards me. "Hi." I replied, waving back blushing slightly. "I'm Percy." he says reaching his hand out to shake mine. "I'm (Y/N)." I said reaching to shake his hand, when Mrs. Dodds walked in. We looked at her, each other, then back at her but she wasn't there. "Mrs. Dodds?" I asked. "Where are you?"

      "WHERE IS IT!?!?" she said, harshly standing on some shelf thing. "How did you get up there?" Percy asked. "WHERE IS IT?!?!" she yelled again but this time she turned into this scary creature. She flew off of the shelf and came charging towards Percy. She was about to grab him when I stepped in front of him and she grabbed me instead.

      Her claws were digging into my shoulders so tight there was blood coming from my left one. "WHERE IS THE LIGHTNING BOLT!?!?!?" she screamed into my face. Before I could answer Mr. Brunner and Grover had barged through the door. "PUT HER DOWN OR I SWEAR TO YOU I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREADS!!!" Mr. Brunner yelled at the creature. She threw me down to the ground and flew out of the window.

      The first thing I heard when I had landed was a crack in my shoulder. "AHH!" I screamed in pain and held my shoulder.

Percy's pov

      Once (Y/N) had landed on the ground she screamed in pain and I knew something was wrong. I ran to her as fast as I could and I helped her up and she winced in pain as I touched her shoulder slightly. "Sorry, sorry." I said as I moved my arm to her waist to help her up. I looked at her and saw she was blushing, this made me blush and smile. We were walking towards Mr. Brunner and Grover when Mr. Brunner started asking lots of questions.

      "What did she want?" he asked. "She said something about a lightning bolt." I said while (Y/N) and I were freaking out about the whole thing. "Why did you say you were going to rip her to shreads?" (Y/N) said breathing deeply to catch her breath. Mr. Brunner kept talking to Grover about some camp and saying they found us. "What camp?" I asked. "And who found us?" (Y/N) asked them. They didn't give us an answer instead they looked like they were thinking about something.

      "What do you think they're thinking about?" (Y/N) asked me. "I have no clue." I replied. Mr. Brunner looked at me and reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pen. "Percy, this is a dangerous weapon. Guard it well." he said handing it to me. "This is a pen. This is a PEN!" I said trying to let my brain process this all. Mr. Brunner reached into his pocket again and pulled out a necklace that has a lightning bolt and a storm cloud on it.

     "(Y/N), you'll need this and make sure to ALWAYS have it with you." he said giving it her. "A NECKLACE?? How is a necklace suppose to keep me safe?" she asked looking at Mr. Brunner in disbelief. Her and I looked at each other with confused looks on our faces. "Take them to camp." Mr. Brunner told Grover. Grover looked at us and told us follow him, after a minute of us trying to process this Grover came back. "Come on, guys! We don't have much time!" "Ok." we both replied and followed Grover out of the museum.

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now