Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s pov

     As we were walking away from the museum, the pain in my left shoulder became more unbearable. I brought my right hand to hold it as I winced in pain a little. Percy must have noticed because he stopped me from walking. "What are guys doing? We have to keep going." Grover said as he saw we stopped walking. "Hold on, Grover, something is wrong with (Y/N)." Percy replied. "Are you okay? What hurts? Is there something that I can do?" Percy asked, looking genuinely concerned.

      "It's just my shoulder. I think it dislocated when I landed on the ground." I replied. "Let's make it to our destination and then we can fix it." Grover said. "How far is it?" I asked. "Not that far, just around the corner." he replied. I sighed and kept on walking until we came to an apartment building. We walked in and went straight into a certain, what I think was Percy's, apartment door. "Okay, let's fix your arm now." Grover said. He took my arm and told me to breath. Out of instinct, I had grabbed Percy's hand, then Grover pulled my arm and fixed it. "Thanks, Grover." I said. "You're welcome." he replied smiling at me. I hadn't realised I was still holding Percy's hand and I quickly pulled back. "Sorry." I told him. "Don't be sorry." he smiled. When we walked in the apartment, I heard people talking, laughing and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit strong.

      "Mom! Mom!!" Percy kept repeating but she looked too busy. "Quiet, kid. Can't you see she's hosting me and my friends?!!." the guy with glasses said to Percy. "Sally!! Get me another beer!!!" he then said to Percy's mother."On it, Gabe!!" she sounded exhausted. "Hey!! Don't talk to my mom like that you bald headed freak!!" Percy said to him and I giggled a little bit. That was until Gabe had got up and pinned Percy to wall. Grover quickly hit Gabe with his crutches. That made me lose control and I just laughed out loud. I quickly covered my mouth and my eyes were wide as Gabe looked at me.

      "What's so funny? Huh!?" he yelled at me getting closer. "Nothing." I replied quickly backing away until I hit a wall. He was so close I could smell his very nasty breath. He was about to hit me when Percy had pulled him away from me. "Don't you ever get near her like that again." he semi-yelled at Gabe. "Sally. We need to leave. Now." Grover says to her. She understands what he means and we leave. We got in the car and begin our journey to this camp that neither Percy nor I know anything about yet.

Percy's pov

   "My question is what is happening and why?" I asked. "Yeah, I'd like to know as well. Seeing as I've somehow been brought into something." (Y/N) said, while making hand gestures. Mom looked back at me and then at (Y/N). "There's so much to explain in so little time." Mom said. "Sally, I think it's time." Grover told her. "Percy, this...this is about your father." She then started telling me about him like how he was and all that. It's now pitch black dark outside. "Percy, your father was just dazzling." She said like in she was reliving the time they spent together. "Yeah, they're always dazzling." Grover said from the back. I looked towards the back and saw (Y/N) was sleeping peacfully. I smiled and looked back towards the front. "You like her. Don't you?" Mom had asked me. "What? Me? Noooo." I tried to deny it but there was no denying it. I liked her. I really liked her.

    "You do!! Don't lie, Percy. You know lying isn't good." Grover chuckled. "Okay. Maybe a little." I was really blushing now. "Maybe a lot." Grover corrected me. I laughed and said, "Alright, a lot." All of the sudden there was something thrown on the road in front of us. Mom tried to turn so we wouldn't hit it but instead that made the car crash. There was glass everywhere and everything hurt. "Is everyone okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Grover said, groaning. "Mom!?" I yelled after she didn't respond. "Yeah, I'm okay." She replied. I looked at back where (Y/N) was and it looked like she wasn't breathing. "Oh my gosh!! (Y/N)!!!" I tried to get closer to her and felt for her pulse. After I felt it, I let out a releived sigh. She was still alive. She started waking up when Grover yelled at us to get out fast. "Watch out, there's a lot of glass!!!" he yelled. We all got out of the car before we started to run.

(Y/n)'s pov

      I fell alseep while Percy and Sally talked and Grover did whatever he does. The next thing I know is waking up to the car swerving and hitting my head against the window really hard. The hit against my head was hard enough to make me pass out. When I awoke, I heard Grover yelling at us to get out quickly. I got up, ignoring the pain everywhere, and started running with the others. We jumped over the fence and I looked at Grover and freaked out. "YOU HAVE DONKEY LEGS!?!?!" I yelled as we ran. "YES! I'LL EXPLAIN LATER!!" he yelled back as we ran quicker, trying to get away from something. We got to this gate like thing and I looked at the words above it. Camp Half-Blood. What kind of camp is that? We all ran through the gate except for Sally.

    Percy and I tried to get her through the gate but it's like she physically couldn't. "Go! You'll be safe behind the gate!" She said like she knows what's happening. "No! I won't leave you! I can't!" he replied to her. "You have to. Your meant to." As soon as she finished her sentence, it was then I had noticed what was chasing us. The thing had grabbed Sally. Percy ran up to it, pointing. "YOU PUT MY MOTHER DOWN!!" he yelled at it. The monster had crushed Sally into some kind of gold dust. "What do I do?" he asked. "The pen! Use the pen Brunner gave you and click it!" Grover answered and Percy grabbed the pen from his pocket. He clicked it and it turned into a sword! "(Y/N)! The necklace Brunner gave you! what you need to do is pull the lightning bolt off the necklace!" I did as he said and the necklace turned into a sword but it was a different color. Percy's was silver and had blue on the handle, mine was solid gold except on the handle was (f/c).

      We tried swinging at the monster and got a few slashes on it. Soon, the monster had knocked our weapons out of our hands. We were resting against a tree for a minute before it started charging at us. We moved out of the way quickly as the monster was trying to get its horns out of the tree. Once it was free, one of the horns broke off and was still stuck in the tree. Our weapons were too far away for us to get to them. I looked between the tree and Percy, he looked at me like he had the same idea. We ran towards the tree and got the horn unstuck. The monster was charging again but this time we stayed in place and waited for it to get closer. It was close enough so we stabbed it in the chest with its horn. Once it fell on the ground, we both relaxed. "I don't feel too.." Percy said as he passed out into Grover's arms.

      I tried to get closer and help Grover but once I took a step, I fell and passed out. Before I fully passed out, the last thing I saw was someone picking me up bridal style and started running. I saw blonde hair and then I saw black.

Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now