BGYOxKZ Tandingan | Feel Good Pilipinas

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FeelTheInit WithBGYOandKZ

FeelTheBeat Of BGYOandKZ

Here is the link of "Feel Good Pilipinas" official dance video :

Lyrics by: Lawrence Arvin Sibug & Robert Labayen
Composed by: Thyro Alfaro & Francis Salazar

Did you feel the summer heat after BGYO and KZ Tandingan performs "Feel Good Pilipinas" on the ASAP Natin To! Stage (05/16/2021).

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Here are some sneak peaks of the "Feel Good Pilipinas" dance video of BGYO and Ms

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Here are some sneak peaks of the "Feel Good Pilipinas" dance video of BGYO and Ms. KZ Tandingan:

 KZ Tandingan:

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