Today, November 29,2021 is a remarkable day for us ACEs and to our dearest BGYO boys as BGYO celebrates its 10th month as a group. Aside from the said monthsary, I have to mention this achievement since a lot of ACEs really poured their heart and effort as we achieve another milestone with BGYO as our boys won another prestige award in Awit Awards!
The Awit Awards is a music awards in the Philippines given annually by the Philippine Association of the Record Industry to recognize the outstanding achievements in the music industry. The word "Awit" means "song" literally in Filipino. Thus, a 10-month old group achieving an award is a really big recognition!
BGYO was announced as Awit Award 2021 people's voice awardee under their nomination 'FAVORITE GROUP ARTIST'!!! So far we won 2 big awards for BGYO in the past 10 months.
If you want to watch BGYO's Awit Award performance and their heartfelt speech while receiving their award here is the link and video:
2:24:00 - BGYO's award speech
2:48:29 - BGYO's "The Baddest" performanceAlso, BGYO already fly their way to Dubai for their 1MX Dubai concert! And a lot of fans were looking forward since its BGYO's first-ever travel overseas as a group and to meet their international fans particularly those ACEs who were in Dubai.
Given that this is their first-ever overseas travel as BGYO. We are all curious on their "Airport Fashion" and here are the photos posted in their Twitter account and photos posted by some ACEs who are able to see BGYO in person at the airport.GELO's Airport OOTD
AKIRA's Airport OOTD
JL's Airport OOTD
MIKKI's Airport OOTD
NATE's Airport OOTD
OTHER PHOTOS:(Even with mask-on you can see the boys smiling)
BGYO (Facts & Profile)
Literatura FaktuBGYO is a PPOP boy group that consists of 5 members namely (Gelo, Akira, JL, Mikki and Nate). This is a book guide for all ACEs who wants to know the BGYO members PROFILE, FACTS about them, UPDATES, LYRICS and line distribution of their songs, Rev...