It was Austin all along

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You’d just caught your boyfriend, Daniel, cheating again. You’d caught him twice before, but the first time, he said he was drunk and the second, he promised it would never happen again. You had a feeling that something was going on with him and another girl for a while. And today, your thoughts were confirmed. What made it even worse was that he was cheating on you with your best friend. This meant you had nobody to go to, nobody to cry to. You could’ve gone to your parents, but they were away. You could’ve gone to your sister, but she didn’t live here anymore. You could have gone to Austin, who you’d known since you were 4, but you ruined your friendship, after he told you to dump Daniel a few months ago.

Austin always got a bit funny when you had a new boyfriend though. He just seemed to distance himself from you a bit. Then, once you and the guy had broken up, he’d be there for you, with Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, sweets, chocolate and a bunch of films. Although, you didn’t think that was gonna happen today. You’d hurt him too much.

You were strolling away from Daniel’s house; the place where you’d just caught your boyfriend and best friend ‘doing the dirty’. Crying so much you couldn’t see properly, you made your way to a black thing which looked similar to a bench, yep it was a bench.

After crying until you’d run out of tears, you lay down and had a rest. You ignored the fact that it was getting dark, the fact that you were alone and the fact that you were at least 15 minutes away from your house.

You were stupid, as soon, you weren’t alone.  A bunch of drunken voices woke you up. You slowly got up and began walking in the direction of your house.

“Where do you think you’re going?” one of them grabbed your arm.

“I-I-I’m going h-home. Please l-let me go.” You begged, as you tried to free yourself from his grip.

“Hey guys. She thinks I’m gonna let ‘er go, ‘cause she said please!”  He laughed. This then caused the others to laugh. And come to nearer to you.

One grabbed your face in his hand and turned you to face him. “Pretty face…” he smiled at you. “Now, do as I say. You’re gonna come with me back to mine. You won’t cry. You won’t scream. You won’t call for help.  You’re gonna enjoy it. Got it?” his face was now inches from yours. You nodded, tears streaming down your face once again. Suddenly, the man’s expression turned angry.

“I told you not to cry!” he shouted as he slapped you.

“(YN)!” You heard a voice call from down the road. “(YN)!” It was getting nearer. “(YN)!” Austin. It was Austin’s voice. He’d come to find you. “Austin! Austin! I’m here! Help me!” You screamed as loud as you could.

“I thought the slap would’ve taught you! You do as I say!” the man said, angry. “No crying. No screaming. No calling for help!” He boomed, punching me this time. His friends began cheering him on.

“Hey get away from her!” you heard Austin shout. He pushed the man away and quickly picked you up, running down the road. The drunks weren’t fast enough to catch you and so they just left it.

“I’m taking you to mine, it’s nearer.” He said, as he looked down at you.

You held on to him and cried into his chest “Thank you Austin. I’m sorry.”

Fumbling with his keys, he managed to open the door. He carried you up to his room, and placed you on the bed. “Austin I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was so horrible to you. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. I’m sorry you had to save me just then. You should’ve left me…” you said, tears still flowing out of your eyes.

“(YN) it’s okay, don’t be sorry, it’s my fault. I need to understand that you don’t feel the same way. I should’ve been there for you.” He said quietly, sitting at the end of the bed.

“Austin, it’s not your fault, please don’t blame yourself. But do you mean ‘I don’t feel the same way’?” You moved so you were next to him.

“I-I’m in love with you (YN), I have been for as long as I can remember.” He looked at his feet. I sat there shocked, how could I not have seen it? You sat there thinking for a minute or so, then it hit you. The reason your parents were cold to every boy you were friends with, besides Austin. The reason he was odd whenever you had a boyfriend. The reason everyone always asked if you were dating. The reason your older sister never approved of your other boyfriends. You were in love with Austin. And he was in love with you.

“Dan…” I whispered, taking his hand. He stood up and tried to walk away. “Daniel, look at me.” He did. I stood up and put my arms around his neck, he put his on my waist. Then, I reached up and kissed him. He seemed shocked at first, but after a few seconds he began kissing me back.  Slowly, we both pulled away.

“Austin, I’m in love with you.” You smile at him. He didn’t reply, he just grinned and kissed you again.

After a while, you were both lying in his bed cuddling, your bruises were a lot better now, thanks to an ice pack and Austin constantly kissing them. You were both eating Ben & Jerry’s, sweets and chocolate, watching films, when he stopped eating and was just staring at you.

“What?” you laughed, turning to face him.

“Do you really love me?” He asked looking into your eyes.

“No.” you replied, looking away. You could tell he was worried and upset. “I don’t just love you. I’m in love with you Austin” you giggled and kissed his nose. His expression changed from worried to overjoyed, then to an evil grin. He sat up. “Austin? What are you doing?” you were worried now.

“Nothing” he said, as he sat in front of you.

“Austin I can’t see the TV. I’m-“He cut you off with his lips on yours and was now hovering above you pinning your arms above your head.

“(YN), remember when we were younger and said we’d be like that old couple we always saw at the park?”

“Uh yeah. Why?” He looked so perfect above you, with his hair slightly messy.

“Can you promise me that one day that will be us?” He was staring at you, waiting for your reply.

“Yes. We can be the cute old couple at the park.”

“Good, so for now, will you be my girlfriend?” he smiled cutely, showing his perfect teeth, his big hazel eyes looking straight into yours.

“No sorry.” You stuck your tongue out. He knew you were teasing him now.

“Pardon?” he said holding your arms up with one arm, tickling you with the other.

“I said no.” You enjoyed this position. He began kissing your neck.  

“I mean yes! Yes I will Austin.” You giggled. He unpinned your arms and was now just hovering above you again, his arms either side.

“That’s better” he said kissing your lips again, but this time his tongue ran along your bottom lip, you opened your mouth little to let him in. You don’t know how long you were snogging for, but it was quite a while. “I could get used to this.” He said, breathing heavily as he pulled away.

“Me too” you grinned and continued.

Sorry haha got a bit carried away with this one so its pretty long… i know it's a bit cliche, but we all enjoy it sometimes ;)

Austin Mahone Imagines / OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now